Screenwriting : My film in beats by Mohammed Farrag

Mohammed Farrag

My film in beats

when I started to write I was very exited to get started with the screenplay ahead. no treatment no logline nothing. just starting with the first scene then after fininshing the first draft I leave it for a couple of weeks or even a month then I read it and start to write the second draft. but I discovered that there is another great way to start which is the beat sheet and it was way more helpful and now my process has changed with the screenplay being the very last thing to write

Donovan Swart

Yeah its a great process - What I found, it allows me to see the whole story in its entirety, but gives the flexibility to add in, take out and move around. I also find it helpful to develop full back stories to all of my main characters - 3-4 pages on each, this has allowed me to bring interesting little story arcs and ideas to add into the beats list. So when I finally get writing, I have the scenes, their voice etc!

Great Job Mohammed!

Mohammed Farrag

yes Donovan when you don't like a scene you just remove the sticky note and replace it with another it's that simple.

thanks for your encouraging :D :D

Adam Harper

I love using a beatsheet. Mine is effectively an excel spreadsheet. I start with a logline, then put that into 3 acts, I keep adding more and more until I've got a whole story. After that I'll tinker with it until there's nothing I feel I could change or improve.

Dan Guardino

I have used beat sheets before but not so much anymore.

Peter Roach

No beat sheet. I use a lot on notes when writing. My software allows me to keep copious notes on a changes, science articles. Come to think of it the notes is my beat sheet.

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