Screenwriting : Pitching on Stage32 by Matthew Corry

Matthew Corry

Pitching on Stage32

I think if I do another Stage32 pitch it won't be written. I just got some of the worst feedback I've ever had on a particular script and don't know if it's because of how I wrote it the pitch, if I can't pitch a full script on 2 pages or the person who I pitched it to is an idiot.

One of the comments made very little sense to me and it was extremely hard to go into detail about plot and character arcs in 2 pages. I even followed the Stage32 format for the pitch and was rated low on format. No doubt I need to learn to write a pitch sheet better but I think next time I will attempt a Skype pitch.

One more thing, why ask questions in the feedback if we can't respond? What's the point in that?

Mary Helen Norris

I had a similar experience when I did a written a pitch but a lot better feedback on a Skype pitch. I know what I'll be doing from now on.

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