Introduce Yourself : Composer/Musician by Yon Max-Aaron

Yon Max-Aaron


Hello everyone, I'm Yon. I've listen to some of the other musicians and composers on here and the high level of talent can be intimidating. I'm humbled to be in such a group where I can watch, listen and learn.

Michael Mason

Hey Yon! Nice to meet another composer on here. Don't be intimidated! I checked out your music and you're good too. Your style reminded me a little of Angelo Badalamenti's more electronic material. Atmospheric, electronic and jazzy! I like it. Good luck out there!

Yon Max-Aaron

Thanks Michael. Your compliment is huge! And thanks for reaching out to me. That in itself is why I have a good feeling about Stage 32. I'm not going to sell all of my gear after listening to a some very talented people like yourself, but this is a bit of a reality check for me. A better perspective of where I am, and what I need to do.. That comment should have read,,,,"high level of talent can be intimidating, and yet inspiring at the same time,,,,". Still learning my way around. Let's stay in touch :-)

James Drago

Hi Yon! Welcome! Everyone is here to help!

Yon Max-Aaron

Thanks James, I wasn't gonna mention that I just saw Fallout last Saturday. Strange the way I went to see it with a different approach. I was more attentive to not only the music itself, but the way the music fit all of the scenes,,often asking myself,,was it too much?,,or not enough?,,,too loud? ect....I've been aware of these things for some time now, but after reading some of the posts on here,, as well as meeting good people, I was focused a little more intently (probably why I was a little confused about some parts towards the end. Paying too much attention to the music,, and not enough to the dialogue :-) I do feel that a lot of people on Stage 32 are genuinely here to help :-)

Allen Lynch

Welcome Yon! S32 is a great place to connect.

Yon Max-Aaron

Thanks Allen. Um,,I think I just realized who you are,,,

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