Screenwriting : A question ! by Omnia Algaml

Omnia Algaml

A question !

Is the road to Hollywood too long ?

Jason Mirch

Hey Omnia! I think it depends on how you look at it. I would venture to say that all roads are different. Some are long. Some are short. Some seem short and were actually incredibly long. It reminds me of an old quote, "After 10 years of work we were suddenly an overnight success." One of the biggest mistakes I made early in my career was comparing my journey to others.

Now, if you're talking about taking the 405 to the 10 to the 101. Then, yes, it's too long.

Doug Nelson

It's a long, hard and twisty road with many intersections and is paved with the crushed souls and dreams of its many pilgrims - and that's just here in the US. I would think it likely be a more difficult trek from Egypt but I have seen some fine examples of films from Egypt. Europe is not as far away and is chock full of aspiring and established filmmakers and studios. All the best wishes to you.

Craig D Griffiths

But you can visit, Sydney, New Mexico, Georgia, Vancouver on the way. Hollywood isn’t everything. It’s just legendary.

Bill Costantini

There is a quote about success that holds true for everything:

"Success is not climbing up the ladder but it's like climbing on a pyramid, because as you go higher, lesser is the space and better is the competition."

If it was easy everybody would be doing it.

Best fortunes in your script writing and script selling, Omnia!

Richard "RB" Botto

It's a marathon, not a sprint. It's a brick by brick endeavor. Some people can handle it, some people can't.

Dan Guardino

Like Craig said there are a lot of other places besides Hollywood.

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

I'm still on Pico near Westwood Boulevard but I'm optimistic to make Hollywood by the end of 2021.

Gary Keyes

Yep. If at all possible--produce your own script. Write a short and do it yourself. technology has caught up with us all. My 22 year old niece's friend made a 15 minute short with his smart phone and recently won an award! It can be done and you can do it too!

Donnalyn Vojta

No. Just long. It exists though, just like Emerald City! So, keep working towards it, flying monkeys or not!!

Lisa Clemens

It depends on where you start. It helps to have someone from town show you the best roads in but you still have to have to have the skill and stamina to make the trip through all the dark nights and hills that feel more like mountains. Oh and beware the highwayman who tries to rip you off for unnecessary tolls and fees!

Doug Nelson

Phillip - I'm confident that you'll make it, but I fear that you'll be disappointed when you do.

Dan Guardino

Phillip. I own property above Laurel Canyon can you swing by and see if it still there after all the rains we've been having.

Tony S.

Or move to New York where you can get a real bagel and a schmear.

Sam Borowski

A good friend of mine who worked for Universal Studios was fond of saying, "You have to keep working hard and keeping at it and keep kicking down doors until they can't ignore you anymore." It really is true. BUT, as Tom Hanks aptly pointed out in A League of Their Own, "If it was easy, everyone would do it. The hard makes it great." ONWARD AND UPWARD, folks! GOD BLESS and STAY FRESH! ;)

David S Cuellar

It helps if there is no road construction along the way and you have Waze ( Networking ) to navigate. Keep at it and network...if you write the right story and get it into the hands of the right person who can champion it for just might be on your way.

Donnalyn Vojta

Sam, I couldn’t have said it better myself!!

Cherie Grant


Debbie Croysdale

When people say “Making it in Hollywood” they each mean different things. My idea of making it in Hollywood is to sell a script to a Hollywood Studio/Producer etc. You could live and work there, with no fruition. Yet coach loads drop off at this Holy Grail destination, proclaiming “I got here”, but does your butt actually have to physically land on Hollywood terra firma? I met a number of Stage 32 members from LA in London and they all had different opinions.

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