Filmmaking / Directing : WARNING: Product Integration in Your Film by Gregory Green

Gregory Green

WARNING: Product Integration in Your Film

This is a heads-up to folks in the process of producing a feature film like me. I was recently approached by a person who 'specializes' in product integration within motion pictures. He promised loads of cash would come my way if I allowed him to find brands that could be integrated into my film. In my case, I would be seeing about $500K by the end of next quarter. I do have a star attached (Darren Burrows) and distribution locked for MAGPIE FUNERAL, but this definitely fell into the 'if it sounds too good to be true...' category. Then came the prerequisite: a $3K retainer. He explained nothing can happen without $3K deposited into his bank account in a week. TO make a long story longer, I suggested we put the $3K in an escrow account and when a certain level of funds were deposited in my film's account, he would get his $3K. Ha! Just as I suspected - that was the end of that. I have since discovered stories online that many people have been scammed this way. People paid the $3K (or whatever) and NOTHING ever happened after that. So this is a WARNING to you all: If you're approached with a deal like this, DON'T DO IT. Oh, and please visit my Facebook page for MAGPIE FUNERAL and follow our journey!

Brian Shell

Good advice G.

Doug Nelson

Yeah Gregory, that tired old scam has been going on for quite a number of years. Thank you for bringing it up for the wet-behind-the-ears young filmmakers.

Debbie Croysdale

@Gregory Thumbs up for warning folk, as Artists we often take for granted that

Debbie Croysdale

Sorry phone jerked cos on transport. Will carry on later with this post.

Rick Oldham

Great tip

Gregory Green

You'll know, Owen. You'll know.

Rick Oldham

I'm so green. I have so many questions. How do you get someone to read your script? How do you get representation? How did you get noticed? I pour my soul into my writing with no expectations. Should I expect things?

Gregory Green

That's the age-old question, Rick. My solution? I produce my own scripts! If you want representation, you need to find agents who will accept unsolicited material - few and far between. Then submit your script. Be prepared for them to ask "What else do you have?" Have at least 5 scripts ready to go. Then if that agent takes you on, you will be in the waiting mode - could be years before a nibble comes. That's why I write and produce my own work. My previous feature is on Amazon now:

Tyler Patti Stanley

Why should film be any different place for fraud? it is up to its eyeballs!

Gregory Green

That is absolutely true, Philip. But when filmmakers have stars in their eyes and have someone singing the siren's song in their ear (i.e. I'll give you money!) sometimes you may ignore your gut. But don't ignore it, as you suggested!

Gregory Green

It is, Tyler.

Tyler Patti Stanley

I've along this line watched the industry quietly rake in zillions on classes, editing, schools, magazines script writing books, and expensive competitions, that sets the bar much higher screening out people who cannot afford the "professional" editing but have a damn good script. You cannot just have talent anymore... people with disabilities, to jump. iI's almost imploding with its narcissist self.

Debbie Croysdale

@Gregory thumbs up for bringing this to light, it might stop newbies from being stung. As Artists, we often take for granted the trustable network we do have, and that not everyone we come across shares our own creative bubble. The Psychic Vampires are waiting in the wings, slavering for their next feed of gullible vanity. The experienced amongst us, will have a built in shit detector but sadly others don’t. Sliding up the creek is only one step away. Some of these con artists work as a couple, eg one might be a pretend secretary or even honey trap, and their scams equal in numbers to crimes in other walks of life. Yorkshire quote. A fool and his money are easily parted!

Evan Cameron

Good looking out. Thanks.

Gregory Green

Thank you for your post, Debbie. Well said! The Yorkshire quote is so true.

John Snell

I had similar experience. Financier wanted $4k to recruit investors for my script, $2k up front $2k when investors secured. We had several conversations before this reveal, and once it was I declined.

Gregory Green

Thank you for your comments, John!

Tiana Pongs

I was in contact with two companies in New York, asking how I could integrate product placement into my movie. The answers were the same: "We only work on productions that have Distribution and are green-lit to start shooting - We pull in both Products, and possible fees, and handle the Clearance issues."

Gregory Green

Thank you, Tiana!

Alex Vickery-Howe

So many scammers out there!

Gregory Green

And they’re so convincing, Alex!

Geoff Hall

Gregory Green money up-front is always a red flag for me. Well done for your Escrow strategy, Gregory.

Gregory Green

Thank you, Geoff!

Mario Leone

Thank you for sharing your experience and the warning. It's crucial for filmmakers to stay vigilant and cautious about such offers. Scams in the film industry are unfortunately not uncommon. Good call on suggesting the escrow account to protect yourself. Best of luck with MAGPIE FUNERAL! Gregory Green

Gregory Green

Thank you, Mario. We DO need to be vigilant. Thanks for your good words about MAGPIE FUNERAL. please watch on Amazon Video or free (with ads) on TubiTV:

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