Screenwriting : Script Recommendations by Imo Wimana Chadband

Imo Wimana Chadband

Script Recommendations

What script/s, in your opinion, have you read and would recommend as a must read in terms of what you believe a solid script should look like?

Jeff Caldwell

American beauty, birdman, get out, the apartment, princess bride, seven, short term 12 was good. The Nicholl contest posts some of its winners. Inside out and a lot of Pixar types are good for structure. I'd read everything. Reading bad ones can be just as important cause you realize why it's bad..

Jeff Caldwell

I read drive today that was pretty good.. Also I wasn't a fan of the Annabelle movie but the script was a good read the way he wrote it

Karen Stark

I really enjoy The Dallas Buyers Club.

Keith A Jessop

A compelling read for me was "Gone Girl " by Gillyan Flynn. Cover to cover in one sitting.

Smrit Kumar Singh

Technically if we look at a script, then the script should have follow 3 Act structure . Every single plot should have the beginning, middle, and end. But what is the most amazing thing is that your truth (black, white or gray) . This is a truth of the story that touches your soul and stir up the spirit of others.

For my side I recommend pls watch "shawshank redemption" it's great film for screen play writers.

Note- pls forgive me . my English is not so good but I will try with the help of Google

Imo Wimana Chadband

Ah! Thank you guys for the list. Some of these I've already read, but I'll check out the others. And Smrit no need to apologize. I understood you quite fine, give your English more credit :)

Imo Wimana Chadband

Thanks man Jeff Caldwell I'll dive into this list!

Imo Wimana Chadband

This was a very newbie mistake on my part Kay Luke I realized I've read shooting scripts earlier on and adopting what I was seeing in my writing, but later realizing the difference between the two. I'm breaking the habits I started adopting and making the necessary adjustments. Learning and growth is the game.

Dan MaxXx

Go to the black list website and download the annual best unproduced spec screenplays. Start knowing names of up-and-coming writers.

Imo Wimana Chadband

Ah! I'll take you up on that advice Dan MaxXx Thanks man!

Phil Parker

Here's a great link I found on the subject. It's packed with resources and information

Phil Parker

Dan MaxXx and Imo Wimana Chadband - that Black List list will only have the loglines, I believe. To get your hands on the actual scripts, you need to know someone who has access to them, yes?

Phil Parker

Kay - the Black List is two things now: 1. the original annual list and 2. a public-facing website that charges screenwriters a fee for hosting and getting feedback. Each thing is separate from the other. Unless it has changed again in the last few months...?

Dan MaxXx

Phil Parker Didn’t know you can’t download off website. I have all the scripts from 2018, and many from 2017, 2016. Lemme know if you want.

The annual BL was started by Franklin Leonard in early 2000s, he was an Exec.

The BL website was created in 2012/13 by Leonard. Different thing. Same name.

Phil Parker

Thanks, Dan MaxXx I don't know how the people I know got their hands on the scripts, but they've sent them to me each year so I'm good to go. Thanks again for the offer, though.

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