Introduce Yourself : Makeup Artist by Kwame Head

Kwame Head

Makeup Artist

Hey Everyone, I’m new to the site and just wanted to say Hi! I’m a makeup Artist in Los Angeles. And looking to meet and connect with awesome film people. Are people finding this site helpful?

Matthew Barker

Hi Kwame! Welcome! I personally find this site/forum/portal to fabulosity very helpful. This year, I am making a much more concerted effort to engage here, and it is really turning out well. People are generally friendly, helpful and paying it forward, which I think is essential in this industry.

Christine Jackson

Welcome Kramer, I too am a makeup artist with the film and television industry

Kwame Head

Thanks for the love guys!

Myron DeBose

Sup Kwame. I live in Long Beach. Let's connect some time. Scare ya later!

Ronald Darden

New York To The Heart But Got Love For ALL Welcome

McCoy Fiifi Johnson

Big ups, bro

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