Introduce Yourself : I lurv horror by Paulo Leite

Paulo Leite

I lurv horror

Hello. My name is Paulo.

I love horror films.

I can talk about horror films for hours. I write horror scripts and stories I have sold in the past and I just made my first feature film INNER GHOSTS currently going through festivals (and international sales). I wrote a book about MUSIC LICENSING FOR FILMS: WHAT A PRODUCER SHOULD KNOW and I'm in the middle of writing a book about FILM MARKETING FOR DEVELOPMENT. I like to help people get their projects off the ground - especially if those projects are great horror stories. I have done lots of work as script consultant (yes, horror, suspense, thriller, etc...) and I have lots of fun going to festivals and markets, where I do a lot of work. I have several horror projects in development and I'm here to meet and help amazing people.

I try to answer all questions people ask me.

Thank You.

David Whelan

Hi Paulo, welcome aboard.

Paulo Leite

Thanks, David!

Pete Whiting

welcome. You'll have to check out my action/horror THE TITRON MADNESS one day.

Evan Cameron

Hey Paulo, hope all is well.

Paul Law Van Beaumont

ive done a sci fi horror , paulo is it supernatural horror or slasher ? :)

Matthew Barker

Welcome Paulo! Love horror, myself. Best of luck with your feature Inner Ghosts! Can you tell us a bit about it?

Paulo Leite

Hey, Paul Van Beaumont and Matthew Barker. Pleasure to meet you both. INNER GHOSTS is a supernatural story of revenge. I wanted to write a story I haven't heard before. So here it goes: Dr. Helen Stevens is trying to develop a treatment for degenerative brain diseases (like Alzheimer's). She wants to find a way to bypass the damaged brain and communicate directly with the patient's soul. But to see if that's possible, she needs to run cognitive tests on ghosts who seem to function WITHOUT a physical brain. As she starts her tests, she'll realize she has been found by an evil entity who wants something from her. From then on, things won't go as expected. You can check the film's teaser here: In a few days I'll be going to Cleveland for our 14th film festival. We'll be releasing a new trailer in a few weeks.

Paulo Leite

Paul Van Beaumont, I love slashers. I grew up in the 80's so slashers have a great place in my heart. I am starting to write one very soon from a concept I've been maturing for some time.

Matthew Barker

Hi Paulo! Very nice to meet you! Inner Ghosts sounds (and looks) unsettling and frightening in all the good ways. I appreciate your trying to tell a different story in the horror genre. I am trying to do this with my scripts and the one I have just finished with a producer in Australia feels different, while also honouring the tropes we’ve come to look for. I absolutely love horror films - they are probably my favourite genre. But I think there is just so much volume out there that it can be hard to find a good one. I still love a well crafted, intelligent horror. So it’s great to see someone like yourself venturing out with something new. I have started a script in the last couple of weeks that I am hoping will be something quite different, too. I figured I should write the horror films I want to see on the screen. Thanks for sharing your trailer, too. Wishing you all the best with the film and the festivals!!!

Paulo Leite

Matthew: the market is saturated with films. The digital revolution made the "let's shoot a film" cheaper than ever. So, yes, I believe the best way is to always make the film you want to see, but never saw before. Saturation is not just in the horror genre. It's in every genre. The result is that when some independent good/fresh stuff comes along it has to fight ten times harder in order to be noticed. That's life :-)

Matthew Barker

Very true, Paulo. And you’re right, it’s also about what we want to see but haven’t seen before.

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