I'm "this close" to killing off two kids in this horror script I'm writing. I love kids but I'm sorry, they're not being cooperative at all. They've got to go! They're stressing me out in this script lol I know they're kids, and it may be mean, but they're disrupting the drama.
I'm sitting here asking myself "why ya'll even here? I mean I know why ya'll here, but damnnnn, work with me would ya. Jeez!" Time for them to go -_- I'll keep the third though. The third kid is being a good egg and not fighting me ^_^
Have you ever killed off a character in your script because they just started getting in the way or on your nerves? Maybe an accident, or they had to go out of country, or like in my case, died next in the scheme of the horror plot?
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Consider it "safe" therapy. ;)
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Does it have to be three kids? What if you consolidate, make it one kid, then maybe that kid with parts of all three in him or her would be more interesting and worthy of keeping around?
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I’ve killed more people than the Black Plague in my scripts and these are horror. Once a character has done their job - dead. Make the reader aware that no one is safe.
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I first killed off a minor character in a team of rescuers. His death impacted the team leader. BUT then I swapped the minor character for a significant character which was actually the team leaders close friend. It hurt to do this but I got a much better script outcome and more emotion/driving force for team leader. And coverage providers said they even felt sad when it happened because they were really liking this character.
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I've done it. No regrets. Dude thought he could get away with murder, but his life ended real fast...idiot.
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I once killed a girl who was originally supposed to be the friend of the murder victim, but at the point the body was discovered it made more sense for this girl to be killed. I made up for her removal from the plot with lots of flashbacks and eventually her ghost helped the protagonist solve her own murder. But she was arguably the protagonist of that sequence. As far as offing someone obnoxious, not yet. Some frustrating characters require fates worse than death.
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Then... why have those characters at all? Do they serve a purpose? If not, seems more of a story problem, no?
Eric Christopherson I thought of taking them out, but it has to be at least two kids based on the plot. The third added a good mix in the thick of things, so I've got to make them work, but...as Craig D Griffiths said, I'm just going to have them serve their purpose sooner than later, then BYE BYE!
Beth Fox Heisinger They do serve a purpose, else I would have taken them out a long time ago lol They're a necessary element to the plot...so I've got to keep them, but their life span is about to be CUT short!
If you've written them so they are of purpose Imo, but you feel the need to kill them off will the audience not see it coming in the writing? That's the question.
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Oh no it should work out fine Karen Stark When they're gone they'll already have served their purpose. The plot would flow as normal. It's just I have the option to save them, or kill them off, but I'm just not close enough to those characters to weave the plot to spare them. And it's a horror, so the more death the better...right? Maybe.