Introduce Yourself : Scriptfella would like to get to know you... by Dominic Morgan

Dominic Morgan

Scriptfella would like to get to know you...

Hey Everyone, 

First up, a minor confession. I signed up to Stage 32 many years ago but I've never fully committed to the platform. I do however enjoy Mr Botto's regular email missives. His latest urged me to introduce myself, so here goes...

I'm a seasoned screenwriter, film lecturer and script consultant. I've been optioned or commissioned by over 30 US and UK studios and production companies including: Universal Studios, Working Title, Bold Films, Scott Free, BBC and ITV. Recent produced credits include the award-winning motion picture An Act of Defiance (2017) and the not-so-award winning Hard Target 2 (2016)…

What else? 

I'm a card-carrying member of the WGA; over the years, I’ve been repped by eight literary agents, 3 managers, and attorney... I’m still repped by a manager in LA, and have a brace of projects in active development. However, in truth, I’m now much more interested in teaching and sharing the knowledge I’ve picked up over the years, rather than spending another decade chained to my writing desk and locked in my imagination. As fun as that can be…

I’ve been teaching filmmaking in China and at one of the London film schools; I recently set up a You Tube Channel SCRIPTFELLA, which is devoted to Screenwriting, Storytelling and all things Hollywood. 

If you're a writer or filmmaker with ambitions to break into Hollywood, you might want to check out my series of film biz vids: 

You Tube Channel SCRIPTFELLA: 

How Much Do Screenwriters REALLY Earn? 

How to Land a Hollywood Agent 

Writing For Zero Dollars - The Truth About Sweat Equity in Hollywood   

The Screenwriter’s Contract - 7 Dealpoints you MUST Have in Your Contract

How to Negotiate a Screenwriting Deal 

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the tips and issues I raise in my You Tube films, and please feel to ask me any screenwriting-related questions and I will do my damnedest to answer them and give you a steer.  

Let’s connect. 

Very best, 

Dominic Morgan A.K.A. Scriptfella  

Dominic is a WGA screenwriter and the creator of THE SCRIPTFELLA PROGRAM. If you would like to learn to vastly improve your chances of landing an agent and paid writing assignments, watch this free ma…
Richard "RB" Botto

Glad you stepped out into the light here, Dominic! And congratulations on the channel and all the content you provide! If you ever feel like contributing here on our blog, feel free to reach out to Joleene at! Cheers.

Dominic Morgan

Hey RB, it's good to finally properly say hi. Thanks for the polite nudge and I'll check out the blog, best D

Kerry Kennard

Hi Dominic,

Thanks for sharing- any info about deals w

Film composers ? Hope to hear back.

Have a great weekend.

Dominic Morgan

Hi Kerry - I'm not well versed in the world of film scores and composers.

Dominic Morgan

Hello Vincent, I'd be intrigued to hear more about your work as a film historian - do you specialise in any particular genre of movie or time period?

Teresa Barber

Glad to meet you and welcome! I'm the aspiring writer that hasn't quite reached the other parts of the ladder.

Dominic Morgan

Great to connect with you, Teresa, thanks for the invite.

Dominic Morgan

Wow, I'm guessing you must be the world authority on Carole Lombard - could you make a documentary about her, even a guerrilla version for You Tube , using clips from her movies and voiceover?

Mark Furney

I've watched a couple already. Great stuff. Thanks. Question: does the 2.5% of budget rule of thumb apply to deals for the streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, etc.? There seems to be a pittance of info about what is going on in compensation for writers in those spaces. And do production budgets for theatrical distribution correlate well to the production budgets for a streaming film project? (not talking about series or mini-series like "Godless"; I know those are very different horses). Thanks !

Mike W. Rogers

Thanks for introducing yourself, Dominic. Huge fan of the videos!

Dominic Morgan

Hi Mark - in answer to your questions about compensation on Netflix and other streaming platforms - I've never sold a script to a streamer so I haven't got the inside track . But I have heard that Netflix penny pinch at every opportunity - and get away with stuff that the regular networks would never try-on. ie underpaying supporting cast.

Dominic Morgan

Hi Mike, Pamela, thanks for dropping in and connecting!

Karen Stark

Nice to meet you Dominic. I look forward to checking your video. Although something tells me I've already done so, I will certainly be revisiting them regardless.

Dominic Morgan

HI Karen thanks for warm welcome. If you have any screenwriting questions, please do fire away.

Karen Stark

Dominic you will rue the day that you offered that!

Debbie Croysdale

Hi Dominic thanks for sharing some of your inside knowledge with videos. And Welcome off course!

Dominic Morgan

Many thanks, Debbie.

David Lohrey

I'm enjoying your videos. Thanks so much.

Maurice Vaughan

Great to meet you, Dominic Morgan. Very impressive resume! I've been watching your ScriptFella videos. I've learned a lot of helpful things from them.

Edyta Niewinska

Hi Dominic, great to meet you. Thanks for such a helpful project as Scriptfella, you are doing great job.

Dominic Morgan

Thanks David, Maurice and Edyta for your support and kind words. D

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Dominic Morgan. Looking forward to more videos.

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