Screenwriting : Great Advice From A Great Creative: Do The Work! by Imo Wimana Chadband

Imo Wimana Chadband

Great Advice From A Great Creative: Do The Work!

Viewed a webinar on stage32 by renowned creative professional Christopher Lockhart; "What Makes Your Logline Interesting for an Actor, Producer, Manager or Agent?"

It was amazing! Learned a lot about crafting the perfect logline. Definitely worth the watch.

He left some very great advice in his departure. Thought I'd share:

"Do the work. This is all about doing the work. Don't get caught up in the dream. Everybody gets caught up in the dream. 'I'm going to sell a script for a million dollars. I'm going to be a great big success. I'm going to win an Oscar.' That's all the dream. Just do the work. If you do the work, and the work is good, then eventually the work and the dream will intersect. But it takes time, so put in the work, and love the work. Because if you love the work, it will come through."

Keep reading. Keep writing. Keep grinding guys!

Doug Nelson

Yeah - just do the work!

Tim Dutton

Doing work, love the work.

Louis Tété

Well, no one will do the work for you that's for sure, you're your own master.

Felix Agyeman Boahen

That is great advice. I love this piece, "Don't get caught up in the dream".

Jason Mirch

Well said!

Sam Borowski

The problem with many young artists I've found - and I give a lot of opportunities to people - is that they don't really want to do the work. They want to bypass the elbow-grease and the hardship and go straight to the top. And I am talking about actors, writers, filmmakers - all types. This business really is a marathon and not a sprint.

Imo Wimana Chadband

Sam Borowski being a newer writer, I can attest to this. When I first set out on the screenwriter path, in my mind all I said was "hey I'm going to write a movie and sell it and make loads". Luckily for me, when I started, I found so much passion in it, that I haven't even been thinking about money, but more focusing and improving, growing, and perfecting the craft. I know once I keep working hard and loving what I do, it will pay off in the long run.

Imo Wimana Chadband

Yep Dan. If monetary gain was my only motivation for choosing this path, I'd prob have given up already, cause boi does it take dedication and effort.

Stephen Atkinson

It's not the money for me it's coming to life of my story that's important. I would have my script made for free as long as it was done right :)

Felix Agyeman Boahen

Real talk, Dan MaxXx. If money or fame never existed, how many writers would still be in the game? Money motivates.

Stephen Atkinson

Sure money motivates but you have to have a love for creating too

Imo Wimana Chadband

Very true Dan MaxXx I believe we all want to make money off our screenplays, but it isn't the driving force. The passion for it leads to putting in the work, to get to the payout.

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