Introduce Yourself : Polyglot Actress & Film Industry Linguist by Anastasia Troukhina

Anastasia Troukhina

Polyglot Actress & Film Industry Linguist

Hello from Belgium! I am a freelance translator/subtitler and actress. The past two years I have been lucky enough to explore the film industry in many ways: I co-organised and hosted Belgian film festivals (Kortfilmfestival Beveren 2018, Cut To:Gent 2019), I moderated Q&A's with international directors and producers at BIFFF, I worked as an actress (, I consecutively interpreted the pitches of international film professionals to their potential buyers at BIF Market (the BIFFF film market), I worked as a short film subtitler (BSFF) and I (net)worked as a freelance translator for the film industry ( at multiple film festivals over the past year, including at the Cannes Marché du Film. If you're looking to reach the Western European / Benelux market with your project, or if you need Dutch subtitles, I'm your gal! Thanks for letting me join this amazing community! <3

Elaine Purnell

Hi Anastasia, I'm also from Brussels and working in the language business as well as writing screenplays.

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