Introduce Yourself : I Write Stuff, All Kinds of Stuff by Tammy Taz Diaz

Tammy Taz Diaz

I Write Stuff, All Kinds of Stuff

It's been awhile since I joined the "meet me" fray. The good news is, I've finished several scripts since then, gotten a few things in flight. I also still have specs hanging out there looking for a home. I'm always looking for collaborators, too, because I'm a glutton for punishment and like to make my own films between writing assignments. If you're in South Texas, especially around Houston, let's make a movie!

David Bryant

Hi everyone. My name is David Bryant. I'm an editor, working primarily in advertising. I'm an aspiring screenwriter and I've already completed several original scripts. I'm hoping to meet collaborators and possibly online screenwriting groups to join. Thanks all and I hope to get to know more of you.

John Kevin Bell

In the same boat as you, several scripts and making some films in between as I go. Will be in Houston in a few months as I will be directing a reality TV show there. maybe when I'm there, we can meet up and collaborate!

Wayne Jarman

You sound busy, Tammy. Wishing you every success.

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