Screenwriting : The Matrix 4? by Imo Wimana Chadband

Imo Wimana Chadband

The Matrix 4?

...And they have decided to touch the masterpiece, that is The Matrix.

Seems after years of messing with the idea of doing a reboot, it's decided to go the route of writing The Matrix 4 instead...Personally, Matrix is one of my favorite films, and Keanu Reeves one of, if not my favorite actor. But, I don't want that Trilogy to be ruined in anyway.

No plot has yet to be leaked, but seems one half of the duo that wrote the original, is set to co-write again. I want more Matrix, but I don't want it to get messed up. I'd prefer it be left alone.

Do you think they can write a script that won't ruin the franchise?


Nathan Smith

For me, the only good Matrix movie was the first one. I wouldn't be upset at all if they ignored the second and third and gave us something brilliant. Keanu has said he would only come back if they were going to tell a good story and if he's back on board then I have to have high hopes for what comes next.

Jay Reeves

Hollywood's on it's last legs. All they have left to make movies about are are comic books, old TV shows, and remakes.

Craig D Griffiths

Matrix 2 and 3 didn’t work for me from a story telling point of view. The universe grew so much that it made the original feel like it waste part of the same world.

They could have the matrix start freeing people. The earth would start be strangled under the weight of free people. Neo and the crew has to stop the failure of the matrix or everyone starves.

But hey. They made a shit load of cash and fame. I just disagreed with some of their choices (as a fan).

Imo Wimana Chadband

Nathan Smith Craig D Griffiths part 2, and 3, definitely expanded into a larger world. Had a different take, so I get why you feel that way...but I found love in the entire Trilogy. Man, I could watch them forever. Really like the franchise. Hopefully you're right, Nathan, and Keanu doesn't sign on to something that would sink the franchise.

Imo Wimana Chadband

That's a good take you have on a story, Craig. Maybe you should provide your services to them, haha. I just don't want them to try to milk the cash cow and ultimately mess it up.

Imo Wimana Chadband

Why that's a mighty fine last name you have there, Jay Reeves By chance any relation to...Keanu Reeves? :D

Adam Harper

Nobody is asking the important question - will he still use a Nokia 8110 or does he have a smartphone now?

1st film was awesome. I never watched the 2nd or 3rd films but all of the above comments fall in line with every other opinion I've heard.

Karen Stark

Don't do it Keanu!

Eoin O'Sullivan

It's not hard to see why. The top 10 grossing films of 2019 are all from established IP, comic books, sequels & remakes of movies. Not a difficult decision for a studio.

Karen Stark

Adam, Nokia of course. Those smarts are always listening

Adam Harper

Haha, lets hope so Karen. Although, it would be cool if he had a smartphone and installed a Matrix app on it and opening it causes some crazy paradox.... maybe I'm overthinking it now.

Artisan James

Makes sense, in terms of greenlighting the movie. Keanu is hot right now coming off of John Wick, and is even going to be featured in a popular video game - Cyberpunk - but all in all - I have never seen anything like this in my 30 years of watching movies - just the overload if you will of studios banking on said titles, sequels, nostalgia, and existing IP - in all genres! And the majority of it isn't all that exciting...

Nathan Smith

A prequel could be interesting, the adventures of a younger Morpheus. It also occurred to me last night that there was not process of creating new humans by the computers, as far as I can remember. If you die in the Matrix your body dies and they just flush you out of the system but they don't have anyone to replace you with. It could be interesting to explore a future version of the Matrix where the computers are running low on their people batteries, causing real and major glitches in the Matrix. But I also wouldn't be surprised if the story was just a simple search for Neo.

Wilmer Villanueva

I am a big fan of the Matrix ... in fact, I consider it the best fiction movie. A fourth movie makes me nervous and anxious at the same time. I want to see her but I don't want to be disappointed. In short, I hope the movie succeeds.

Bo. R. R. Tolkien

All Matrix and Terminator property and story belong to Sophia Stewart. She is the mother of the Matrix and Terminator and they are the same story. The Matrix coming before the Terminator. John Connor is Neo. Matrix 2 and 3 are a joke, major fail. It was so conviluted and ridiculous it made me cringe with stupidity. I cringed, with, so much, stupidity, I almost, became stupid. But my faith in good storytelling saved my sweet ass. The quintessential question is how horrible will this Matrix 4 be? Judging from Reloaded and Revolutions, it could end up being Retarded. I am a big fan of the original Matrix, and that's all I'm a fan of. The rest of the sequels were garbage. But one movie I am anticipating is Doctor Strange 2. It will be more mind blowing than any movie we have so far and more mind blowing than any potential Matrix 4. So instead of beating on the Matrix 4, I will provide a viable solution as to how to make it more appealing to audience. And that solution is to destroy the goddam Matrix once and for all and set humanity free. But how do you destroy Artificial Intelligence that has evolved its own volition? Once A.I. becomes creative, it will reign supreme. Humanity will either be enslaved or extinct within weeks, or they will find a way to create and clone human beings. They will engineer the cloning of humans, docile zombies. They will work with the DNA of life and create species that are unnatural. A.I. will become gods. How do you destroy a god? That should be the premise, backbone and storyline of Matrix 4. And finally give Sophia Stewart her respect and credit that she is owed.

Tom Batha

Wow. After all these years the Sophia Stewart myth hasn't yet died.

Stephen Atkinson

Tongue in cheek ....that's entertainment , can't please everyone !

Rutger Oosterhoff

They should never have made 2 and 3.

Stephen Atkinson

Each to their own

Stephen Atkinson

I agree Jay Reeves with your comment on Hollywood being on the brink, problem is they are too reliant on a set of screen writers which is fine in the short term but it’s going to bite them in the ass in the long term. You can do remakes as many times as you like but they are never as good as the original! Seems like it’s for the special FX more than anything. As for comic books how many more can they do before they become a drag....not much longer from what I can see. Hollywood is in competition with cable and networks that’s why we have Universal television and other major studios turning to the small screen only problem is they still have the mind set of using the same writers...sad really:/

Stephen Atkinson

Stand corrected

Stephen Atkinson

Having said that Dan for those of us who can remember videos when a movie came out at the cinema it took a year for them to go on to video / disc , now they are instant once the movie has run its course in the cinema. Now they are instant it also used to be a couple of years before they were shown on main stream TV ! Seem's now movies are aired on TV and cable within a few months so the question is why unless you want to see it on the big screen would people go and watch it in the cinema when they can watch it in the comfort of their own homes as most have stereo surround and 60" TV screens ?

It appears to me and it's only my opinion that most people would wait for it to be shown on the likes of Netflix and other cable companies. The movie industry is changing and facing it's darkest times don't you think?

Stephen Atkinson

I watched a movie on Netflix the other day "The Wall" has anyone ever heard of it? Stars Matt Damon and David Caradine , I've never heard of it before nor do I remember such a movie being at the cinema. Special FX were out of this world and the movie wasn't bad ....check it out !

Wonder what Matt and David were paid to act in this movie.

Bill Costantini

Stephan Atkinson: no disrespect to you, but why do you think the "movie industry is facing its darkest times?"

Please consider the following when you answer:

1. Over the last 20 years, films released in U.S./Canadian theaters has increased every year, except for two years during the Great Recession.

2. Over 800 "non-Hollywood studio" films were released in U.S/Canadian theaters last year.

3. Over 4,000 feature films were submitted to Sundance for this year's festival, and over 8,000 films were made globally - and that is a conservative number and doesn't include many films that went Straight-to-DVD or Straight-to-DIgital.

The facts are the facts. More people are making more films than ever before, and in more countries than ever before, and with more diverse personnel than ever before, and on more subject matters than ever before. More outlets for films - from theaters to TV/cable networks/new media to online VOD/sales platforms - exist than ever before, too.

I've seen around 40 films in my local theaters this year, and only a dozen or so were Hollywood studio films. I've bought another 20 or so from places like Critics Choice Video, Bargain DVD's, and Wal-Mart - including two made by Stage 32 members (What Lies Ahead by William Viglione and Rob Gardner, and Mail Order Monster by Paulina Lagudi).

So just curious then....what makes you think that the "movie industry is facing its darkest times?"

P.S. - I know from past experiences in this forum that people are usually focused on "big Hollywood studio films that are re-makes, sequels or re-imaginings of prior successful films", when they make statements like you made. As you can see from the actual numbers and events, though...that is just a small fraction of what is really made, and the truth is this: ever since the beginning of time, there has never been a better time in the history of the world to be a filmmaker or screenwriter, and the same goes for television and cable shows, and other creative content, too. :)

Stephen Atkinson

1-word "Competition" That's the point I'm making. Hollywood makes movies for hundreds of millions of dollars with great returns if it succeeds or huge losses if they fail. Independent studios are taking over slowly with a low budget and a lot of actors that don't cost millions to hire. I get what you're saying but look at it in the same frame of mind of the small grocery store but in reverse. The retail giants took the market because they packed more into the superstores. In the movie industry as you know the dollar determines the success or failure. Small production companies can produce decent work for a fraction of the cost and will eventually take the market forcing the big studio's to diversify which is what is happening. Paramount knows this and has begun to change by streaming on their own channel, Paramount Television.

Will it be good for everyone who knows, only time will tell. As for theatres worldwide a great number have closed down over the years or have been combined into cineplexes to compete.

Bill Costantini

Stephen Atkinson: There is more competition - at the box office, and elsewhere - but I don't see how you can make a statement like "the movie industry is facing its darkest times." It's quite the opposite, actually, based on the facts I noted above, but we can respectfully agree to disagree.

Best fortunes in your creative endeavors, Stephen!

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