Screenwriting : Short Film about Gender and Dating, would love a second pair of eyes by M.J. Masurkevitch

M.J. Masurkevitch

Short Film about Gender and Dating, would love a second pair of eyes

Heya writer-types!

I've written a short film that I'm hoping to produce over the winter, its an edgy short that deals with dating, masculinity and gender-relations. We are going for edgy, empathetic and thought-provoking, and I'm hoping it will get into some festivals.

Could totally use some pairs of eyes to make sure its achieving its goals, no money in this one unfortunately, but will give out "Script Consulting" credit in exchange for thoughtful feedback.

Please shoot me a message if you have time and interest! its just under 20 pages long

Doug Nelson

Be glad to read it - I assume it's tilted toward the Canadian market (?) so your dialog is very specific.

M.J. Masurkevitch

Doug - that is correct, Canadian or potentially North American, although Canadian festivals is our tentative plan

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