Screenwriting : Selling a script without an agent. Can it be done and how? by Rod Seitz

Rod Seitz

Selling a script without an agent. Can it be done and how?

Any input would be greatly appreciated ...

Dan Guardino

I optioned a script before I got an agent but that was a long time ago. I don't know if it would be easier or more difficult today. However most scripts that are optioned or sold because someone knew someone who knew someone. That is why I attached a couple of well-known directors to some of my screenplays. Good luck with yours.

William Martell

Of course. All of my 19 produced scripts were sold without an agent or manager. You need scripts that "travel" - a script that when the lowest person in Hollywood reads it they want to pass it to their best connection, who passes it to their best connection until it finds its way to the top. More on that in the clip and article attached. Both cold calling and queries to specific producers that perfectly match the script have also worked for me. Networking and making connections - I have a bunch of methods in my Breaking In Blue Book that can work. But the most important thing in selling a screenplay is having a screenplay that people want to buy. Most people don't have that.

Stephen Floyd

Fastest, surest way is to produce it yourself.

DL Stickler

I found this courtesy of William Martell

Doug Nelson

Yes of course it can be done. How? A lot of marketing hustle on your part.

Jerry Robbins

Hi Rod, I had a script optioned, then sold without any representation. it can be done!

Rod Seitz

Hey Doug Nelson. I've been meaning to ask you something, Can you message me, please?

Doug Nelson

No, you're not in my 'network'.

Rod Seitz

Doug, I just want you to read some film pitches and give me feedback on them (e-mail me please)

William Martell

You will need a lawyer to negotiate contracts.

Oli Veyn

Don't walk with the crowd, think different, act different and be the exception. I believe everything is possible if you truly believe in it, work hard for it and put your heart and soul in it. Good luck.

Doug Nelson

Rod - I'm retired...I don't do that sorta stuff no more and if I did; I'm pretty sure you couldn't afford me. There are others - here on S32 and elsewhere - who are quite capable of providing you quality, professional feedback/notes.

Donnalyn Vojta

Yes, Rod, you can sell a script without an agent, but there are fewer doors open than writers who have them. Don't let that stop you! Find the producers/production companies which accept "unsolicited" submissions. I know Zero Gravity Productions does, and many others. Also, you can do the Pitch Sessions here on S32. To find those and reserve a spot to pitch your script (in writing or via Skype) just look under the Script Services drop down menu. Yes, each pitch costs $35, but you'll be getting your work in front of producers who you'd otherwise not have access to without an agent and who will give you feedback on your pitch! Best of luck!!

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