But I'm glad it did.
Yesterday, I emailed Zero Gravity Management in hopes of sending off my "Yes, Indeed!" screenplay.
Today, Zero Gravity's Haley emailed me back...with a request for a copy of the script about child TV stars-turned-bandleaders in 1989-90 Los Angeles.
Well, I uploaded the script...as well as a completed copy of the standard release form the company sent me.
Judging from last month's two queries (and observing that, after 22 days, I've got yet to hear from Ask Around Productions and Iron Fist Productions...and that's not so unusual in the industry), I felt surprised to hear this soon from Zero Gravity.
And I feel honored.
I don't know what's going to happen after the folks at Zero Gravity read "Yes, Indeed!"
But I actually DO know this:
I thank EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU associated with Stage 32 for this chance.
You've kept after me to get my craft up to snuff so that people can stand to read it, let alone figure out if it's anywhere near ready to produce.
And I'm going to keep up the fight...because, first and foremost, it's my fun.
Thanks, everybody...and all the VERY BEST to you!
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Best of luck!
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I was going to say “good luck”. But luck only happens in the absence of hard work. You have worked hard for this.
Enjoy the feeling of success.
Remember if they ask for changes, means they love it. They wouldn’t bother with something they hated.
I wish I had a drink in my hand so I could raise a toast.
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Very happy for you!!
Phil, Eddie, Craig, Pamela, and Jerry, thanks a million!
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Best wishes in your endeavor - sounds promising so far.
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Absolutely great attitude! You've already gained success, regardless of material rewards!
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That's great!! Good luck!
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That's great you were ready for that next step and took it. We're rooting for you!
Oh, man...thanks, Iliya, Doug, John, Christine, and Janet!
That's huge! Congratulations!
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That is awesome!!!!!
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Very happy for you.
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That's fantastic news! I hope it takes flight with ZG~
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Congrats. I'm in the same boat Jim. Zero Gravity has my script and it's been over three weeks with no response. I'm hoping for the best but I would advise you to keep flooding the town with your work. Stay active and keep working on your craft.
Best Wishes!
Wow...thanks, Christian, B.B., Earl Tom, Donnalyn, and Axzavia! (In fact, Donnalyn, if you hadn't mentioned Zero Gravity in your response to another Stage 32 member's post, I wouldn't have given ZG a thought!)
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You got it my friend make sure you keep us posted on whats happening!!!!!
Jim Boston Axzavia James Any response from Zero Gravity since this post? I got the same canned response to my query as you all did - not so much requesting as giving me permission to email them my script.
Haley at Zero Gravity has been really good about reading scripts over the years. Good luck, Jim.
Wishing you the best!!
Hey HB Duran. I've been out the loop with this forum for a minute, but I saw your question. I never received any response back from Haley at ZG which at this point means they passed on the material. I've reached out to them a few times since hoping for a response but no one has gotten back. This is part of the game so I'm still looking for representation and shopping my script's. Thanks for the interest.
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That's very exciting, indeed!!!
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Thanks so much, Phillip, Elischa, Paul, and Rebecca!
Axzavia, I'm in your boat: I haven't heard back from Haley from Zero Gravity about "Yes, Indeed!" (I'm taking it as a "pass.")
I might try Zero Gravity again later this year, now that I've got three more screenplays in my library since I queried the company in November of last year. What's more, thanks to feedback from a fellow Stage 32-Script Revolution member, I've cleaned up all twelve of the scripts I've posted on the two sites.
And now that I'm also using Network ISA, I'm hoping to get "Yes, Indeed!" out to any producers through that site.
Just want to thank everybody on Script Rev and here on 32 for helping me get to the point where I can even send out my own scripts and feel good about it...and I wish all the VERY BEST to you!
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Very cool Jim Boston! Really glad to hear that! Zero Gravity is a fantastic management and production company that we work very closely with at Stage 32. Keep us posted on your progress!
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Thanks for sharing Jim. It appears we are utilizing the same resources. I'm also using Network ISA in hopes of getting my Female lead action script "BlackRose" off the ground. I've been in contact with a few producers since the Zero Gravity submission. We write, we submit, and we wait. I'm also looking into working on ways to get a short film done for promotion of BlackRose as well. Currently looking for a team ready to shoot. To piggy back on what Jim said, thanks to everybody on 32 for helping me and I wish you all good luck on your journey!
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I received a please send (my romcom “Pants On Fire!“) from Molly at ZeroGravity after 6 or 7 turndowns—all the same, “Nothing personal, it just didn’t grab us.” I know, what do l want for $10.... But l would like a legitimate sentence rather than a comma splice, the writing error that precludes so many high schoolers from attending a quality university; just ask the SAT.)
I checked and saw that l e-mailed the script on May 26, so l’m thinking Pasadena.
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Oops! I see l goofed myself. The 6 or 7 rejections l received (if you don’t recognize them) are all via Virtual Pitch Fest.)
Good for you indeed, Jim! Best wishes to you...
Thanks, Carl! Glad you're on Stage 32...and all the VERY BEST to you!
Oh my gosh, Claude, thanks!
I know it's been a year since I sent "Yes, Indeed!" off to Zero Gravity (and the company moved on from it), but...I haven't given up. If things work out, I might try again with another project for Zero Gravity.
But I've been able to send nine other scripts these last seven months through Network ISA (still batting .000, though). And I hope working with additional sites like Script Revolution, ScriptHop, and Prewrite will help open doors for me (in addition to doing my own research about who to send these scripts of mine to).
I wish you all the VERY BEST, too, Claude! Glad you're on Stage 32!
Update on progress.