Introduce Yourself : Dear Colleagues and kindred Warriors of the Heart! by Irena Huljak

Irena Huljak

Dear Colleagues and kindred Warriors of the Heart!

I have been on Stage32 for a while but didn't use it properly.  I am beginning to use it again.  I'm primarily  an actor. I love studying voice. I'm starting a business in voice coaching. I have a bunch of scripts I wrote. It was mainly out of necessity to create my own work.  I got a playwrights residency for the first full length play I wrote. That was unexpected and such a blessing. I love painting. I don't have a lot of time to do it lately.  I love my cat "Brooklyn" . She was living on the streets of Brooklyn,N.Y. when I was living there. I took her in and my roommates totally freaked out on me.  I fought for my street kitty and she got a home. I'm in Toronto  now. My background is Croatian. I am starting to research Croatian playwrights . I'm reading their work in Croatian.  I want to get into that world more and understand  what the differences in style are. I do both film and theatre. There is a webseries  I co-wrote  and produced which I'm very proud of. We shot it entirely on an iPhone. Let me know how you're doing! Cheers! And have a wonderful holiday. 

Irena Huljak

Hi ! Thank you. I'll send you the link

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