Introduce Yourself : New Author and Screenwriter! Trying to get represented! by Benjamin Clark

Benjamin Clark

New Author and Screenwriter! Trying to get represented!

Hello all and Happy New Year! My name is Benjamin Clark and I’m an up and coming Author and Screenwriter! I’ve recently self-published my first novel The Beginning of the End: A Darkest Days Novel through Amazon. It is the first of an Eight Book Series I plan on writing! I’m in the process of rewriting it to make it better and gain some more sales. So far I’ve sold about twenty copies, which you know what, I look at as successful especially for it being my first ever published work. I’ve also gotten some great feedback and still looking for more to make my writing better.

Along with that rewrite I’m also working on the second novel in the series and a prequel novel. I work a full time job so it takes me a bit longer to get some writing done, but I try to get as much in as I can with whatever free time I can get. Maybe I’m stretching myself too thin, but it’s something I love doing. I’ve also been thinking about getting a literary agent to help, but we will see if it happens. One can hope, so I’m crossing my fingers!

I’m looking forward to my future in writing and I can’t wait to see what journeys it takes me on! Good luck to all of you on your projects as well!

Andrea Thompson

Congratulations on your novel and I wish you the best for your next 7!

Jason Mirch

Hey Benjamin! Welcome man! Congratulations on self-publishing your novel! That is no easy feat. I am the Director of Script Services at Stage 32. Feel free to reach out to me at any point for thoughts or advice!

Sydney Cuthbert

Hey, Andrea, thanx for the invite.

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