Introduce Yourself : Hello collaborators! by Michael Sugrue

Michael Sugrue

Hello collaborators!

My name is Michael Sugrue, and I'm a director and writer. I'm here to inspire, and be inspired by, all of you talented filmmakers. I've written two feature screenplays, and I'm currently developing a feature and two episodic series. I love brainstorming sessions to either advance current projects or generate new ones, so please feel free to reach out!

Heidi Schussman

Hi Michael, best of luck to you and your brainstorming!

Julius Thompson

Great meeting you!

Kevin Deane

Hey Michael, welcome. I'm up for brainstorming as well so reach out. And good luck on your feature and series.

Eon C. Rambally

Certainly, a time to talk about brainstorming! The world needs it. Micheal, you're welcomed!

Christian Weiser

welcome Michael!!!!!! send me an network invite if you ever wanna chat!!!!!!!

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