Introduce Yourself : Hey Group by Jami Rhodes

Jami Rhodes

Hey Group

I want to formally introduce myself again. My name is Jami Rhodes and I’m a 39 yrs old black female Screenwriter surviving everyday. It’s such a pleasure meeting all of you! I have a couple pilots, features, and shorts already written. I have more ideas that I’m currently working on. Just looking to make some fruitful connections.

Phil Clarke

Welcome, Jami. Here if you ever want to chat about writing.

Lucy Sanna

Hello there!

Maria Johnsen

Hi Jami and nice to meet you

Nichole Williams

Hey Hey! Nice to meet you!

Thom Reese

Nice to meet you, Jami.

Eon C. Rambally

Great seeing you here, Jami!

Sam Borowski

Welcome Aboard, Jami! GOD BLESS and STAY FRESH!!!

Jami Rhodes

Thank you so much!! Nice to meet all of you!!!!!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Jami Rhodes! My name is Kay, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage32. Nice to meet you! First, congrats on all your completed scripts! What are next steps for you? Are you hoping to sell them? Or stay on to make them? Would you rather write for TV or film? Secondly, thank you for being honest about your age. I feel similarly compelled to break that stigma - I am your age, by the way. Are you also a Monkey in the Chinese Zodiac? Finally, I can TOTALLY relate to your bio. I have lived so many lifetimes, met so many different people, and have so many stories to share! I look forward to hearing more about your adventures!

I'd love for you to talk about your experience getting your MFA from NYFA - would you start a post in the Screenwriting Lounge? I was looking into attending NYFA in NYC for my MFA before deciding to move to LA. More than a few peers and mentors kept saying just start working, the experience will teach you. But, production is different than screenwriting, and creative producing is different than being a writer.

If you'd like more information about how to explore the Lounges to meet more members and network, please enjoy my most recent blog post: I would highly suggest dipping into some of the other lounges as screenwriters can learn a lot from actors, filmmakers, and producers, too!

Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too! It's the best way to really connect!

Stefano Pavone

Welcome to the club. :)

Nicholas MacGregor

Hi! I am currently looking for screenplays, if you have one please send me a network request. ;)

CC Williams

Welcome Jami!

Zach Tirone

Welcome! Glad youre here!

Tasha Lewis


Sharon Curcio

Hi Jami! Welcome!

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