Introduce Yourself : Reintroduction by T.L. Davis

T.L. Davis


While I have been on Stage 32 for a while and been fairly active, more active than I am anywhere else, I thought I would throw out what I have done and what I am doing.

First, through Stage 32, I have gotten meetings and made some important contacts that currently have my scripts. So, having placed three scripts (not to suggest that they are going to be made) through this service and others, I am currently involved in two projects.

Having filmed, edited and produced a documentary in the past that is now available on Amazon, where I obtain the producer's credit in my bio, I am looking to do a more mainstream music documentary. All access and permission signed off on and waiting for the restarting of business to hold a fundraiser featuring four bands, BBQ and a first class venue. In the meantime I am marketing one of the last scripts I have available, a TV pilot based on one of my novels. I have two other scripts I am working on at present, one a pandemic-based look at interpersonal relationships when people are forced together, a sort of dystopian thing (original, I know) but the idea for me is you might write just another "spy" flick or whatever, but it is not the subject matter, in my opinion, but how one presents it that makes it unique and interesting.

One of the flaws of publishing and film is that acquisition people look at manuscripts and scripts as "political thriller" and they have one of those, so they push it off into the out bin without understanding that it is how it is presented and made new by it's take on a "political thriller" that is important.

So, now, I'm wearing the producer hat again, while writing the new scripts.

So, hello. Glad to meet you.

John Radtke

Nice to meet you.

Wahayn Inello Clayton

T.L., way to go - Keep it going, Man!

Solange Plaza

Good going! All the best to you on your projects :)

Rueben Wood

Hi, how are you? Do you currently have any content you would like to have featured on a new film and tv streaming channel?

T.L. Davis

Rueben Wood I do, but it is placed with Filmhub, a lot of streaming services can access it there. Amazon has picked it up and Roku and Go See TV, whatever that is.

Jina Anika

Nice to meet you! All the best!

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