Introduce Yourself : Hi - Introducing myself by Samantha Merrick

Samantha Merrick

Hi - Introducing myself

Hello creative people!

I'm Samantha Merrick, actor & writer. I live in NYC, downtown Brooklyn to be exact. Yesterday was my birthday. I was hesitant to do this today, because I'm really having a tough time today - the high of celebrating yesterday (facetime with friends, making a great dinner, a nice bottle of wine, coconut cake!) contrasting today with the low of the crushing reality we are currently living.

(...Add that I haven't had cake in forever so definitely a sugar crash)

So I'm feeling vulnerable, and I'm generally a private person, but I've updated my profile content, and I know how important it is to stay connected and support each other.

Take care of yourselves, stay well & healthy.

We'll emerge stronger.

Thank you, Rich Botto. Reading your letter encouraged me to do this today!


Sandeep Sharma

Samantha, welcome!

We are neighbors. I too am in downtown Brooklyn.

Sandeep Sharma

A lot of great folk and support on S32!

Wahayn Inello Clayton

Happy Belated to you Samantha, I am from Brooklyn Heights and Brownsville, living in LA now.

Pamela Segger

Hey Samantha, Happy belated birthday to you! I'm totally with you on the sugar crash (dark chocolate to blame) aaaand Barcelona, travel, stinky cheese, Succession... Best wishes!

Thom Reese

Welcome, Samantha.

Jerry Gill

Hi Samantha. I'm a novelist, not an actor, and an introvert. So, I've learned, when something like Introduce Yourself gets in front of me, I become a transient actor. I'm sure there are a lot of us who like to be private.

Lea Ann Vandygriff

Hang in there, use this time to focus on the good stuff that lies ahead. Write about what you are feeling, it could be the next big film!

Solange Plaza

Hi Samantha, welcome and congrats for overcoming and posting! It's nice to meet you!

Brian Carlin

Hey Samantha! Good to meet you! Love the dog picture BTW.

Liz Randol

cheers sweetie- it's all gonna get better. have you checked out gigi young on youtube yet?

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