Introduce Yourself : It's A Pleasure To Be Here by Monteque Pope Le Beau

Monteque Pope Le Beau

It's A Pleasure To Be Here

Greetings to all of the members of Stage 32. I hope all of you are staying safe and secure and these chaotic times. My name is Monteque Pope-Le Beau of the great state of California!!! Yes, there are some wonderful states, but mine is the best...  I have been artists all my life and I guess it also helped that I came from artistic family. Art is the very beat of my heart and  air that I breathe. It is what I live for and love to do. Besides that I love helping people and my community. I work at the grass roots level to showcase independent creative and artists. I believe in giving them a platform so their voices can be heard and their artwork shared. This is what I do. Right now we are working on creating  a artist Ranch to give more opportunity to creative's an artist  while creating  positive solutions to solve  some of the artistic community problems such as food insecurity, housing insecurity, energy insecurity, and job insecurity. I feel blessed to be able to do this kind of work to be able to make a difference in others lives. If you were interested in having your work showcase please don't hesitate to reach out and contact me at Thank you so very much for welcoming me into your community.


Monteque Pope-Le Beau

The Art Of Monteque

Monteque Pope Le Beau

Thank you to all of you! I think being upbeat comes from being sick most of my life. When you are sick you see life in a totally different way. I feel blessed to be here and just want to do my part to help others.

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