Hi All- I have been an actress for many years and I just got started with writing! Does anybody know of a great book or blog that could help me structure a sitcom
Hi All- I have been an actress for many years and I just got started with writing! Does anybody know of a great book or blog that could help me structure a sitcom
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Michael Hauge "Writing Screenplays That Sell" is a good start. I don't recall the author, bu I did like Story Engineering, too.
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Syd Field's Screenplay, The Foundations of Screenwriting and The Screenwriter’s Bible. Remember it is all about story.
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Thank you for your suggestions!
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My advice to you is don't follow any set formula: "Write What You Want To See!" The more unique and original the better. "Memento" was written back to front! I wrote a step-by-step process book based on my UCLA workshops that might help you. https://www.billtaub.com/automatic-pilot/ In television it is all about character. Character drives plot. Good luck. But whatever you do?: Stay safe. Stay healthy. And as we used to say on 'Hill Street Blues' - 'Be careful out there!" If you can join us tomorrow consider yourself invited. http://vid.us/7f8stt