Screenwriting : Query letters by Surina Nel

Surina Nel

Query letters

This may seem a very stupid question, but I am sure this is a question a lot of new comers ask. When you at a place that you feel your script is ready and you want to start sending query letter out to see if you receive any interest. Who do you contact? Is it the production companies or do you target specific individuals?

Denice Hughes Lewis

First you get feedback from a professional. Your eyes aren't enough as you're too close to the subject. Then you research to find the perfect fit for your script, whether it be production companies, directors, etc. In the meantime, write a terrific query letter that will be ready when you submit. Good luck!

Vic Burns

Don’t use any list you find on a Google search. They’re mostly out of date and anyone on those lists will be bombarded. Get an IMDB Pro account and start mining.

Surina Nel

Denice Hughes all that have been done, and i feel now is the time to see if it will attract any interest. I know the story is good, yet I do realize that animation is tough to break into.

Vic Burns I will do ASAP, thank you for adivice

Denice Hughes Lewis

Good for you! Don't let anything stop you. I write fantasy and some of my scripts are animated, so I understand very well.

Dan Guardino

I always targeted individuals.

Louis Tete

Individuals working in the genre of your screenplay but make sure those individuals have track records, research and research. Otherwise would be a waste of time for you and them and you would look unprofessional

Bill Albert

Have you looked at Pitch Sessions here on 32?

William Martell

Production Companies. You want to find the VP of development.

Coreetta S Buchan

Get feedback on your script.This is one of the best ways to find out if it is up to standard. There are tons of super helpful people on stage32. Dont got it alone. A fresh pair of eyes bring new perspective to your screenplay. You go for it and I wish you every sucess. :)

Cathy Alvarez

Specific producers/managers that work with the material you have. You can search IMDB for people who produce films similar to yours and start there or the pitch sessions here are great too.

Onwukwe Abraham Ogonna

Surina Nel you are absolutely right. Some of us are already at the top while some are still climbing the ladder. This actually will bring a shift that will keep us moving forward to our destination. Thanks William, CS and Cathy.

Erick Freitas

I rarely/never send query letters anymore. I do contests, websites like blacklist, specscout, inktip, and pitch sessions on Stage 32.

Surina Nel

thank you all for brilliant advice

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