Introduce Yourself : Novelist and Screenwriter Working to Adapt Novels to Film by Jeff W. Horton

Jeff W. Horton

Novelist and Screenwriter Working to Adapt Novels to Film

Hello everyone!

Between adding polish to my screenplay for "Cybersp@ce" while following some of Blake Snyder's guidelines in "Save the Cat," and polishing my latest novel, "Eternity," I haven't been as active on Stage 32 as I'd like to be recently. I hope to change that.

I just wanted to say hello, and say I'd be interested in collaborating with someone on taking my novels to film. I'm already collaborating with an Indie producer I met on Stage32 to bring Cybersp@ce to film, so this IS a great place to form connections!

It's nice to meet all of you!


Taylor C. Baker

Thank you for sharing Jeff W. Horton! Congrats on having so many novels under your belt! We have an amazing webinar called Book-to-Screen: Taking Your Book (or Screenplay) from Proposal to Published to Produced that you may find helpful!

Niina Pekkarinen

Nice to meet you Jeff!

Jeff W. Horton

Thanks, Taylor. Once I launch my next novel I'll take a look!

Hello there. It's nice to meet you too, Nina!

Thanks, Nina. Good luck to you and yours as well!

Mandi Allen

Hi Jeff! Great to meet you, love adapting novels to films, It's important to remember you don't have to include everything. Go with the feel of the overall novel, then pick out what aspects are important, you can also combine novel characters to get a new one. Happy to chat.

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