Introduce Yourself : Feature screenplay and short film by Johnny Zito

Johnny Zito

Feature screenplay and short film

Hi my Stage 32 family! I just completed a new feature screenplay that I have been working on for a long time. It's at a draft I feel comfortable to submit to contests. I have already sent it to my team and potential cast members. I'll begin as much pre-production as money and our current covid-19 situation permits. My last short film, "Love Lives in a Void" is making rounds on the festival circuit. I hope you are all staying safe and continuing your creative endeavours. Thank you for your time

Sandra K. Lynne

Congratulations, Johnny Zito !! Good luck in the contests and festivals.

Opal Morningstar

Sounds like your long term efforts will pay off! It takes a lot to finally feel you are there. I'm learning new skills through ScreenwritingU how to create intrigue, suspense, etc. I love the challenge. I am going to go through my script again and see if I can apply new techniques.

Mackenzie Kristjon

Congrats on getting your project to this important stage!

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