Introduce Yourself : Nordic actor / screenwriter by Sophie Jay

Sophie Jay

Nordic actor / screenwriter

Hi everyone!

I've just been invited to register and I wanted to introduce myself quickly:

My name is Sophie and I'm a Nordic actor / screenwriter currently located in London.

If anyone is in need of a reader or just would like to hear my general thoughts on their script OR if you are looking for an actress for your next project about Vikings (or whatnot) please do get in touch :)

I look forward to connecting with everyone!

Sophie x

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Sophie Jay! Nice to meet you! I was looking over your profile, but you don't have much there. Tell me about yourself! What projects are you working on and how can we help you reach your goals?

Ooo, London?! Would you be interested in participating in the “Cross-Pollination" challenge I posted in the Acting Lounge? It's just a fun way to get to know people through their favorite resources:

Otherwise, I'd love for you to jump in on the Acting Lounge and start a post about your experience acting - have you done many Viking roles? Do you tend to be type-cast or do you prefer to play Vikings?

Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too! It's the best way to meet and mingle!

Sophie Jay

Hi Karen, thank so much for your message - I will make sure to update my profile tomorrow!

Currently acting wise there's not much been happening since the virus hit but I have gotten a lot of research and writing done which has been brilliant! I would love to connect with other writers and pick their brains and read scripts and all that... I've found that when acting is a very social thing sometimes, writing is quite the opposite and I know only very few screenwriters (quite a few playwriters though!)

I'm not sure what Cross-Pollination challenge is but I will check it out tomorrow too!

The Viking thing is more of a joke - maybe it doesn't work online that well! I just happen to be tall blond with blue eyes so I get a lot of comments about being a Viking... however I have never auditioned for a Norseman role. I would love to play a Viking though if a right part ever crossed my way :)

And yes, you're absolutely right - commenting and responding is the key and I will work on that as I really need to improve my networking skills!

Brent Bergan

Oh, too funny, I thought the viking comment was serious as well. I fit that category as well. Welcome to the club!

Sophie Jay

haha, oh dear :') Note to self: Stop joking about being cast as a Viking!

Thank you Brent!

Brett Hoover

Welcome Sophie hope you enjoy your time here as much as I have. This site has been a godsend for a new screenwriter like myself.

Sophie Jay

Thank you Brett!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Oh, HA! Sophie Jay I sent you the wrong challenge - but you can jump on that, too! This one is based on location -

Stefano Pavone

Welcome to the club. :)

Sophie Jay

Thank you Stefano :)

William G Chandler Jr

Very Awesome.

Simon Turnbull

Got a showreel?

Sophie Jay

Hi SImon! Yes I do :) It needs updating but you can view it in it's current state from here:

Alfred D. Griffin Clark


Sophie Jay

Thank you :)

John Dawson

Greetings, Sophie. Good to meet you. Stay in touch when you can. Cheers.

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