Your Stage : Comments welcome by John Dyer

John Dyer

Comments welcome

The concept for my current novel-in-progress is taking shape.


In 1920s South Dakota, a woman from another planet arranges for her son to be born as an American citizen, in anticipation of the day her people reveal themselves.

For 83-year-old small-town physician Elbert Holland Harrison, an expectant mother’s imaginative pre-planning will unravel more than a closely-held secret — a new life awaits on Jivada, in a role well-suited for a man who’s seen it all.

For the cover, I envision Doc Harrison in a black suit, medical valise in his right hand, left hand occupied holding the paw of 6-year-old Henri Suraksin, an Anye child wearing a cowboy outfit, based on the smaller figure on the cover of Resilient.

If I do that, do I need a tagline on the cover, to explain more about the story than the simple title reveals? The line for the focus group starts here.

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