Your Stage : Need help with a long line by Ashley Byron

Ashley Byron

Need help with a long line

Nathan (17) loses his dad and his girlfriend close together he losses his way he goes to parties to try and deal with the pain. He meets Amy and he falls in love with her only to find out she is dying of cancer. He helps her finish off her wish list of things to accomplish before she dies.

Anthony Moore

Hi Ashley. What do you think of this one?

"A lonely teen, trying to drown out the loss of his own family, falls in love with a terminally ill cancer patient who needs help completing her bucket list before she dies."

Beth Fox Heisinger

To add to Anthony's version, my two cents... I'd delete "before she dies" to cut some redundancies. Also, this logline and story sound very dire, depressing. Is there any sense of humor or a reaffirming life lesson or theme here? By shortening Anthony's logline with a period after "her bucket list," that would help to lighten it up some. You can better envision two people helping each other cope with loss and share meaningful moments and experiences that may be funny, heartwarming, sad, happy, gut-wrenching, etc. Not just death. Hope that helps!

Ashley Byron

Thank you for the help!

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