Financing / Crowdfunding : Financing feature film by Sohaila Lindheim

Sohaila Lindheim

Financing feature film

Hey all. Hope everyone is well :)

Tips to find finance for a feature? ...Kickstarter I know and various funding schemes etc.

But is there like a secret layer where people just finance quality film scripts I don't know about? haha

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

No. There is no secret layer, and no group of people just waiting to fund film and media. I wish there was. It's about networking with the right people, selling yourself and the project, and putting a ton of business pieces together to attract those very few legitimate investors and producers who you can get to know.

Brett Russell

Hey Sohaila Lindheim stay tuned here for a completely new direction in funding opportunities using the fast growing interest in blockchain and cryptocurrency. I have provided a high level overview response to a few queries in this Lounge. We have been working at this for about a year and the funding options are a small part of a larger industry solution based on blockchain.

John Ellis

Sohaila Lindheim are you interested in being a producer? Because that's the person who worries about financing. If you're more interested in writing or even directing, then don't focus on financing. Network, network, network. If the script is great, and/or you have chops as a director (both of these accomplishments come from hard work and practice), then eventually you'll meet a producer who wants to do the film. Then let him/her do all the heavy lifting in acquiring funding.

Remember, a successful career in this biz is a marathon, not a sprint.

Gregory Q. Jenkins

The secret is building a strong social media following.

These are the people who will fund you. If you want to control your own destiny, building a financial network will be a skill you have to master. I had a mentoring session with Christian Sander and got very good advice. Find someone (wealthy entrepreneur) who has an affinity for the subject matter of your story and approach them. In the end people aren't investing in your story, they're investing in you. They're investing because they see your passion and believe you have what it takes to execute. In order for that to happen, investors have to get a chance to know you. Social media is an excellent way to start that process.

Erick Freitas

Financing, take people out, call people, put together business plans. All part of it. Get used to it, learn to love it. It'll improve your career.

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