Screenwriting : Unproduced shorts you’re willing to share? by Frank Romano

Frank Romano

Unproduced shorts you’re willing to share?

Hello, I’m a Filmmaker out of Chicago currently developing a feature. In the meantime I’m interested in producing & directing a short film. Having run a video production business for the last decade, I have access to resources (camera, sound, talent, etc.).

Looking for a micro-budget production, nothing too intensive or expensive (not very particular on genre). If anyone has anything they’re willing to share, I’d be happy to provide detailed feedback regardless if it’s a good match.

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Hi Frank. Take a look at my loglines page. I have four shorts outlined there. If any spark your fancy I'd be happy to send them to you. I love writing shorts and would do so for free (just cred) on almost any topic. Cheers!

Craig D Griffiths

How long a short are you look to make, just a ballpark.

Zach Tirone

Hi Frank. Would be happy to connect and talk further to better understand what might be of interest.

Frank Romano

Sarah Gabrielle Baron will do! Thank you!

Frank Romano

Craig D Griffiths Length doesn't matter so much to me if it suits the story. I guess I'm likely aiming for the 10-20 minute range? I don't think I'd want to exceed 30 minutes, but even that's not an ironclad rule.

Kiril Maksimoski

Frank Romano pitched!

Erick Freitas

I have a bunch of shorts, I'd love to send over to you! Let me know!

John Ellis

I've got one! :) Let's connect! Also, Script Revolution (run by CJ Walley) has literally hundreds of short scripts that you can download and read, most of which are made available for production by the writers.

CJ Walley

Thanks for the shoutout, there's currently 2,784 short scripts available on some of which have been reviewed and featured in the Shootin' the Shorts section.

Also check out and Reddit's producemyscript subreddit.

Matthew J. Kaplan

Hi Frank. I have a few shorts that can be filmed on a tight budget with limited settings. Please take a look at my profile page at "Jules and Binoculars" and "Gleiberman." If you are interested in reading the short screenplays, send me a message and I'll share them. Thanks!

Frank Romano

Barry John Terblanche thanks Barry, I'll check them out.

Frank Romano

Erick Freitas sounds great, I just connected with you. We'll chat soon!

Frank Romano

John Ellis awesome, I'll reach out. And thanks for the tip!

Frank Romano

CJ Walley thanks so much. I had no idea there were resources like this.

Frank Romano

Matthew J. Kaplan I'll check out your profile page and reach out for sure. Thank you!

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