Introduce Yourself : Moving forward by Jimmy Matlosz

Jimmy Matlosz

Moving forward

While we all contemplate how to move forward and what does the future bring, I can only say, this is your time to do it on your own.  This is your time to make your short film or develop your own screenplay, instead of expecting and waiting for someone else.   More recently, I locked picture on my Pandemic inspired personal Short Film , Titled 'ALONE'  (damn you Netflix reality TV for stealing my title,)  but I don't care.  Moving forward with great anticipation to share this film, where I played every roll behind and in front of camera.  I may share a teaser soon, who knows.  Next is the pursuit of work and luckily I have had some luck with a commercial and now a short film, which will be shot in Anamorphic in Sept. North of LA. 

Lastly comes the continued development of   a 10 year dream coming true, thanks to Covid.  I finally have the time to expand develop and seek investors as well as launch the location and filming services we will offer, Lights, Cameras, Grip and unparalleled Locations. We are the New Zealand of the US, plus small towns and more.     

Lastly I hope you are all happy healthy and enjoying life.


Allen Lynch

Hello Jimmy. Good luck with your projects.

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