Screenwriting : Mission Accomplished (sorta) by Cheryl Allen

Cheryl Allen

Mission Accomplished (sorta)

Hi guys...

In January of this year--remember, innocent simple sweet January, before the wolf looming at the door managed to rip it from the hinges and bust through slinging Covid over all the inhabitants--I made a committment to myself that I would write, cast, direct, edit, and distribute a short-film.

That committment alone was a huge moment for me. There is so much I don't know and have never experienced and it felt like a big step. So late in January I started writing and had a pretty good idea of what direction I was headed in - - along with a budget, some shooting locations and even a few actors etc I knew I wanted to work with. I was pleased with the project.

And then that wolf got the best of all of us. Long story short, I still may make the film I started to make but it ain't happening in 2020 and I have made my peace with that.

But I'm not the kind of gal to not live up to my commitments. It was important to me to get a project under my belt. The Universe must have agreed because I managed to eek out a very short short and I do not hate the outcome. :)

I hope you all are well and hunkered down in your respective homes awaiting the end of whatever the hell this year is...

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

can't stop won't stop and kick that wolf's a*& girl!

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