Introduce Yourself : Which of yous is goin' to the AFM 2020 - online edition? by Cherelynn Baker

Cherelynn Baker

Which of yous is goin' to the AFM 2020 - online edition?

Hi Stage 32, just a producer in Burbank and I usually attend the market in person, though this year it's online. Did any of you do virtual Cannes? Are you going to the virtual AFM? Thoughts? Bueller?

Karen "Kay" Ross

I wish I was, but I'm taking the rest of this year to complete a few projects before I can look to sell them. Have you reached out on the Screenwriting or Producing Lounges?

Benjamin Tomson

I am. I've never attended AFM before and was planning on going in person until Covid. I have three projects in pre-production that I'd like to find distribution for. Whether or not that's possible, I hope to learn something. For the price of attendance I'm not sure how you can go wrong.

Alex Ardenti

What is the price of attendance this year?

Cherelynn Baker

Benjamin Tomson ...I saw that $195 price tag and snapped it up due to the low price versus the normal $1100 price tag plus travel/parking/food, it just feels like a steal! Alex Ardenti This year is possibly the lowest price ever, since the market began. Karen "Kay" Ross - thank you, no I haven't posted on the producing lounge though will. Good luck to all and may your projects SELL!

Kurt Patino

I think I might do it again, too.

Christopher Din Chong

I'll be in attending

Susie Labry

I am attending. Will be my first time.

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