Introduce Yourself : An American in Germany... by Erik Meyers

Erik Meyers

An American in Germany...

Hi everyone, I've been on the site for a while but not really active. I want to change that so I'm posting this introduction! I'm an American who has lived in Europe for years and years, mainly in Germany. I'm a communications professional and love writing all kinds of stories. I'm currently working on revamping my screenplay and editing my detective novel and of course hope both sell :) Looking forward to the connections and conversations here! All the best, Erik

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Erik Meyers! My name is Kay, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage 32. Nice to meet you! Wow, how's Germany? Congrats on your books! Where are you at with your screenplay? If you need feedback, you could reach out on the Screenwriting Lounge to ask for a script exchange for peer notes:

When you're ready for professional notes, you can start with script coverage:

After the Screenwriting Lounge, definitely reach out on the Acting Lounge ( for insight into characters, dialogue, and even when you want to generate interest in a virtual table read!

Keep in mind that these lounges are like the VIP Filmmaker's Lounges at Film Festivals, so this is where you can meet the people doing the work, get advice on anything you're working on, and/or give back to those who may need advice. We're a very supportive and encouraging community! I think you'd also enjoy my intro blog post on how to engage with the Stage32 Community:

Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too! It's the best way to really connect!

Wayne Jarman

All the best, Erik.

Vanshdeep Singh

Hey Erik! I love detective stories :) All the Best

Erik Meyers

Hi Karen,

Thanks much! Glad to connect here.

I actually just had a Stage32 session on my screenplay last week. Time for rework :)

All the best,


Erik Meyers

Hi Vanshdeep, Thanks much! Erik

Erik Meyers

Hi Wayne, Thanks much! Erik

Christiane Lange

Hi Erik, I'm an ersatz American living in Greece. Like you, I work in communications and write my own stories on the side. Last one is a detective story, sort of.

Erik Meyers

Hi Christiane,

Wow, sounds very cool. Greece is on my travel list, haven't ever been.


Christiane Lange

Yes, Athens is very cool actually. Happy to buy you a coffee if you make it down here.

Evelyn Von Warnitz

Welcome from Germany, Erik!

Erik Meyers

Thanks Evelyn! I see you are in Darmstadt. I'm currently living in Ludwigshafen, though moving to Lindau on Lake Constance soon. Schönen Tag :)

Evelyn Von Warnitz

Living close to Darmstadt in Gernsheim am Rhein. Good luck for you in Lindau; it's a very beautiful area!

Erik Meyers

lovely town. I've been hiking near there on the Rheininsdel.

Monette Bebow-Reinhard

Visiting Germany is my dream trip. From Zurich to the Black Forest. How is the film industry there? Any opportunities?

Dragana Stjepic

I lived in Germany for five years! But I’m

From Croatia! Welcome!

Erik Meyers

Thanks Dragana! Wow that is great. Where in Germany were you? I live near Heidelberg.

Erik Meyers

Hi Monette, It's such a great place to live. There are a lot of great and gritty TV and films made. Pretty big industry.

Dragana Stjepic

Erik Meyers i was in Bremen

Tasha Lewis


Erik Meyers

Thanks Tasha!

Pat Savage

Hi Erik, I'm a Canadian living in Spain. I'm developing and producing a new biker adventure series for Netflix, Hulu and the likes. Welcome to our stage! Happy networking!

Catherine Campion

Dual US/Irish citizen here, with residency in South America as well. I have loads of clients all over the world: Keep connecting with folks, it's alllll about relationships.

Tasha Lewis

Your welcome Erik Meyers. Pat Savage what part of Spain?

Erik Meyers

Thanks much!

Esther Jackson

Hi Erik, nice to meet you.

Erik Meyers

Thanks! Great to meet you here too!

Oscar Ordonez

Erik Meyers best of luck reworking your screenplay! I just sent my script to get coverage so we'll see what's up with it too lol

Ryan Mogensen

How’s Life in Germany treating you Erik Meyers?I’ve heard most love it there.

Erik Meyers

Doing well...been here for years and love it. Hope all is well with you :)

Ryan Mogensen

Yes things are going well considering here stateside trying to do a rewrite with some fellow writers. A detective script? Very interesting.

Erik Meyers

Sounds great. Yes I do love detective stories :)

Pat Savage

Tasha Lewis just southwest of Alicante/ Are you here too

David C. Velasco

Howdy there Erik and good luck!

Erik Meyers

Thanks much David!

Tasha Lewis

Pat Savage I lived in Malaga.

Cynthia Garbutt

I used to work in Germany for the US military as a concessionaire with AAFES. I absolutely loved going over there, from London.

Erik Meyers

Cool Cynthia Garbutt ! I volunteered at the Mannheim and Heidelberg bases helping with their community theatres...also involved serving beverages and snacks, stage managing plays and helping host holiday events.

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