Screenwriting : Get it Made x by Joe Thayer

Joe Thayer

Get it Made x

Has anyone worked with or joined the Get it Made x platform/membership? I've been invited based on a submitted script, but I don't know how legit it is.

Any thoughts?

Joe Thayer

Hello Barry John Terblanche , yeah interesting promise. I have a call with them to see what that means.

Richard Buzzell

The "path to production" refers to producing a proof of concept short. They will partner with you to produce the PoC, with you contributing a share of the costs while they also contribute a share. If anyone has any extra money laying around, it's probably worth looking into.

John Ellis

So, they want you to pay dues AND a "personal investment" of $6,000?

Their "script to screen" process sounds the same if you had a screenplay and hired a prodco to make the film - only more convoluted.

Hard pass.

Abdur Mohammed

This really smells. There are a slew of posers out there trying to get at your hard earned cash, or potential cash via your easy pay credit cards. Don't read their wall of testimonials...check out complaints first.

Joe Thayer

Had the call, still not sure but they have a 30 day membership trial to see how it works. I'm thinking to try it and see. They do guarantee a path to production of a short POC film based on selection and rating process. And eventually your dues (Monthly) go towards the POC film even if you never get selected. Clearly this could be a scam or it could be real community with writers and professionals trying to support you - wish it wasn't so damn hard to tell. I have not been able to find any negative media on them in particular. Any how I'll try to post how the first 30 days go.

Richard Buzzell

Hard-hitting investigative journalist Joe Thayer goes undercover at "Get It Made" to bring you the inside story on this secretive and potentially subversive organization. Stay tuned folks - it's going to be juicy.

Joe Thayer

Richard Buzzell nice logline, but it's a little long. How about desperate screenwriter willing to try anything, including waste his own money, much to the delight of his fellow writers. A cautionary tale.

Joe Thayer

Brian Largo was just kidding, not burning any money. just trying the free trial.

Dan MaxXx

I looked at their website and they are a service company making POC, Look books, Crowd funding campaigns. How that path will translate to a feature film deal is suspect, but you will have a professional Proof of Concept for $6000++. If you got no friends or want someone else to do all the paperwork/hiring cast & crew, they are a one stop shop. Treat the expense as a hobby like buying a weekend sportscar.

Richard Buzzell

Dan - You have a special sportscar just for the weekends?

Joe Thayer

Richard Buzzell you don't?

Joe Thayer

Update - I joined GIMx and so far its been a positive experience. Not sure when I'll get a POC made but it's a supportive group and has many benefits just being in the group. Not selling anyone on it, just giving an update. I am not regretting the choice, yet... :)

Jess Waters

I also got selected to be a part of this and I had the call and felt like it wasn't something I would be interested in. If you're looking for community and willing to pay dues without necessarily having a specific end goal in mind, then it might be okay, but I felt like this didn't make sense in terms of getting something created with the funds I have on my own.

Timothy McClelland

I've been a member of Get It Made X for the last 6 months. It's an awesome community full of amazingly talented people. I have loved my time with the group, and I fully believe that the membership is worth the price.

Joe Thayer

@Timothy nice to meet you. I agree!! Glad I joined.

Suzanne Lutas

I've been a GIMx member for a year now. And, very pleased to have met such talented and supportive people like you three Joe, Adam, Timothy... and many others! All the work we do and share, along with all the opportunities we are given to have our Voices heard is amazing! The fact that I landed my first paid writing assignement there attests to all this!

Tina Field Howe

Adam, Joe, Tim and Suzanne are spot-on. I've been an active member for going on two years, one of the first members, and I can say without a doubt that this is the real deal and an excellent community of writers, nothing like any other group I've ever been involved with. I ran a crowd funding campaign and am in pre-pro on a proof of concept through GIMx. $6,000 is nothing because the producer supplies the equipment, filmmaking expertise, and so much more.

Alex Moreno

Abdur- I 'd like to inquire on what you have been creating recently.... How do you know if it really smells if you haven't gotten yourself involved? Yes, each and everyone of us needs to do our homework, but there isn't really a free lunch anywhere? I am a member of Coverfly, ISA, Roadmap, Screenwriting Staffing and they all have their purpose, but from my perspective, the GIMx experience offers an opportunity to a writing community, access to industry pros and if you really shine, a POC produced - or in my case- an actual job as a producer.... Not sure what you are up to Sunday afternoon, Abdur- but I will be in a meeting w/ Giovanni Lampassi in script development... Cheers.

Allan Tamshen

Regarding the question on Get It Made, I can also attest to being with two years and being provided excellent service. Not only do they pledge to produce your film in two years they also provide 4 different avenues to receive feedback:each month: PoC reviews, table reads, producer LogLines and monthly pitch contests. GIMx works 24/7 to answer all of your questions and to provide you an education that most USC grad students don’t get and without paying $100,000 grand a year. Gee, I hope they don’t raise my monthly membership fee. GIMx will help you achieve your dream of becoming a writer with production credit. Go GIMx!!!

Rushton M Luoma

I wrote a screenplay 25+ years ago when the internet was dial-up. I used a book from the public library to learn how to format it properly. Then it sat as I didn't know what to do next. About 2 years ago, I revisited it, then took a big step to enter it into a bunch of screenwriting contests. Surprisingly I received decent reviews. Matt Boda, from Get It Made X invited me to have a free month trial. I have now been a member for a year. Everything GIMX offers was EXACTLY what I needed. They have it all, from table reads, peer support, writing rooms, educational topics, resources, experience, industry professionals, and more. I've now gained the confidence to proudly call myself a screenwriter and have 3 other screenplays on the go. Any new writers or even seasoned writers that have doubts about this program, take it from the biggest skeptic out there, this is the best group ever. I'm a lifer.

Pauline Williams

I just finished my 30-day trial period at GIMx, and I have decided to continue with this wonderful community of writers and film industry professionals. I have developed a proof-of-concept (POC) script, had it peer-reviewed, and I am about to receive a review and score from an industry professional in a couple of days. I have also attended readings with fellow writers, a pitch session, and I have audited and participated in group coaching. Furthermore, I have taken classes on character, dialogue, traits of a great script, etc. What I have found at GIMx is a supportive community where I feel welcome. Best of all, I have a path to production. I joined at the right time because this month and for the next two months, writers have an opportunity to have their POC's produced for free. You just can't beat that!

Suzanne Lutas

It was very nice to meet you at the pitch session, Pauline!

Pauline Williams

Hi Suzanne. It was my pleasure to meet you.

Rushton M Luoma

It's been a year Joe Thayer. You are still with us at Get It Made. You answered your own question for those that are still doubting. I'm blessed to know you.

Rushton M Luoma

Juan Seattle,

You are so wrong. Get It Made is in Los Angeles. I've been a member for about 14 months now and trust me, it is amazing. The minimal monthly fees include weekly table reads, writing rooms, peer support with fellow members, working industry professionals, monthly calls with a pro, etc is 100% invaluable. I'd encourage you to actually talk to someone from

there to understand what they can do for you. Cheers and happy writing.

Rushton M Luoma

Welcome to GIMx Pauline Williams. I look forward to seeing you around.

Cherelynn Baker

Dang. Hustlers always be hustin'! A lifetime ago, starting out in the industry, a producer mentor told me to watch out for the "fringe" off off Broadway version of Hollywood.

Good advice.

This website is new to me, thanks for the introduction - yet - on my first glance this look like a "fringe off off Broadway version of Hollywood" that echoes the advice.

Stage 32 has really good support for writers and developing screenplays. My unsolicited 2 cents - is : if you really really want to spend the money and join, do it! Sometimes you just have to learn from doing. If it works, great. If it doesn't work, then you learned something new and paid for education.

You got this! Keep writing!

Pauline Williams

Thank you, Rushton M. Luoma. I look forward to seeing you around as well.

Joe Thayer

@Rushton M Luoma, agreed and blessed to know you too :)

Joe Thayer

For anyone interested, I gave my own impressions after a year of being a member. So if you wan to hear an opinion of someone who actually joined you can. Reposted below:

Update - I joined GIMx and so far its been a positive experience. Not sure when I'll get a POC made but it's a supportive group and has many benefits just being in the group. Not selling anyone on it, just giving an update. I am not regretting the choice. :)

Suzanne Lutas

The people who speak badly of GIMX are usually those who haven't been involved in such a great, collaborative community. At the risk of repetition, I'd say that I've joined different websites because they each offer something of interest. And each have their own specificities. But working on a POC with great feedbacks from peers and from Film Freeway judges for free is one of GIMX's. Right timing, indeed, Pauline. There will be one winner each month in this last quarter of 2021. Good luck everyone!

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