Introduce Yourself : Hello All Stage32ers! by Aaron Wroblewski

Aaron Wroblewski

Hello All Stage32ers!

Not new on this platform, but wanting to make new connections.

Based in Murray Kentucky, I am a British author of graphic novels, screenplays, children's picture books, and novels (primarily science-fiction, fantasy, horror/thrillers).

Currently seeking representation. 

You can find me at:




Joey Madia

Hi Aaron! Continued success!

Kinney Scott

looks like 2021 is going be highlight of the season great job Aaron

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Aaron Wroblewski! Great to hear you're doing well! Have you tried pitching to any of our Lit Managers? With your interest in fantasy and SciFi, I would suggest David Chien:

Aaron Wroblewski

Hi Karen, I will in the future (as he's all booked up, lol). it's a graphic novel, so will need to re-write pitch for a tv series, but thanks!

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