I have two screenplays which have won a some prestigious awards at film festivals, both nationally and internationally. I've got 2 more which I'm near completion on as well for a total of four screenplays. My question is, how do I get to the next step? How do I get them into the hands of someone who can/might be interested in buying/optioning them? Or perhaps even get someone interested in representation. I truly appreciate any help. Thank you so much.
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Did you attend any of the festivals in which your scripts did well? You're in SoCal where there are lots of festivals, seminars and workshops presented by active and retired Agents, Showrunners, Directors, Producers & others... attend a few, get to know 'em.
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I have my stuff hosted at scriptrevolution.com which has worked well for me so far.
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I would market your scripts to agencies with a cover letter highlighting your awards. Also you can find studios that produced movies similar to your script and send them an inquiry letter with awards noted. I would think you would get request for a read. If you wrote comedies, you can even send a script to the lead actor that you think would play it.
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Congratulations, Devin!... making the brazen journey here to "The Great Industry Wall." You are among the 10 percentile that ever make it here, where preparation meets opportunity--you have a script and some festival leaf laurels to boot. That's more than most, and you have real reason to celebrate -- glasses C-L-I-N-K-ing!
Now look to your left and see hundreds of screenwriters facing the wall with similar scripts under their arms. Look right---the same-- perhaps a few scripts better than yours, but many more, less than. How do you get over the wall to show a decisionmaker, brandishing your diamond or coal script, as it may be? You need to put as much effort and time into networking as you did your script... network, network, network--
• Start here with Stage 32's pitch sessions. A really good written comp can often go further in getting a script request than a verbose verbal. We're good writers, not all of us are good speakers.
• Get someone in the biz to sign-off on a referral to a literary manager.
• Send short, succinct query letters to manager boutiques and entertainment attorneys to see if you can get a script request.
• If you know someone at a production house, use it and go in under their banner. Yes, they will option it for smalls, but you will get on the board with a backend agreement in place.
• Go to premiers, cocktail parties, directoral debuts, make this year's holiday party an industry one (limited 2020 supply of these).
• Sign up for the IMPACT x NETFLIX writer's accelerator program and current script submission opportunity. I believe they are currently receiving COMEDY FEATURES. Visible festival wins and diversity mentions in characters or story within your script won't hurt either. You can view the article here: https://variety.com/2020/film/news/netflix-ron-howard-brian-grazer-imagi... Sign up, here: https://impactcreativesystems.com/netflix
• Ask for help (like you are doing here) Most persons like to help, but not all persons ask for help.
• Always be polite, gracious, and humble.
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Have you queried or at least put them up somewhere where people could find them?
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Thank you everyone for the help. I'll be doing all of these things! I appreciate each response.
Enter one of the top 5 contests - the Nicholl Fellowship is #1 and I think they are now accepting submissions. Winning or placing in the top contests will get you noticed and read by Production Companies and managers and agents.
Query managers and Production Companies that match your script with each new screenplay that you write.
Good luck.