Screenwriting : Sika Senshi (Screenwriter needed) by Cee Whirx

Cee Whirx

Sika Senshi (Screenwriter needed)

Hey Everybody, Cee here. I've been working on an idea for a new animated feature film for some time, titled "Sika Senshi Deer Guardian". Problem is, I need help writing the screenplay based on my story ideas. If you are a freelance writer who can write good scripts and is willing to collaborate with others, please send a shoutout to me and Kumar Sambhav.

Craig D Griffiths

Hi Cee,

You’ll hear this a lot. Writers work for money.

Those of us (like me) that write specs (working for free) to sell. We own 100% of the copyright of the created material.

Your offer is that a writer should work for free for a share of something. You will bring an idea (writers have millions), which will change considerably during the writing process.

Even if you have been thinking about (developing) your idea for five years. It will be a drop in the ocean of effort to make it into a saleable script.

This is meant as polite insight. So you know why people keep turning your offer down.

Steve Mallinson

Hi Cee - I was in a similar position. I tried for YEARS to find a way of getting a writer to script my story, and I thought that if I could secure enough interest from a production company, then I could somehow bootstrap the development of the project with the production company encouraging the writer, and the writer feeling there was a production company on board. It failed, as many told me it would. In the end I decided there were only two ways forward: pay a writer, or write it myself. I chose the latter, studied the craft, solicited feedback and ended up a year later with an episodic period drama that told the story how I wanted it told. What happens next is in the lap of the gods, but it's been a terrific lesson in biting bullets.

I wish you luck, but hope you don't end up wasting a lot of time like I did.

Alan M. Cossettini

Cee, I'll go with the old good diy approach: write it yourself. I totally agree with Steve Mallinson , you'll end up having exactly the story you had in mind.

Allen Lawrence

If you like it, learn to write it. Creating a story is process through which you grow. Never turn your back on the opportunity to learn something new.

Craig D Griffiths

Alternatively. Write it in prose, even as a short story. You will have a completed story. You will have worked out the kinks. Adapting something can be more attractive to a writer than creating something from a person “great idea”.

Cynthia Garbutt

I write my features as a short story first, up to 15 pages. I use it to help write the draft in script format. Some things I stick to, others I re-write or add to or delete, as I go along.

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