Introduce Yourself : Hello by Jim Newton

Jim Newton


I am a retired environmental engineer who is looking to break into screenwriting. I have taken several courses from ScreenwritingU and have written five scripts. Two of these are musicals (although not being a composer, I don't have the music). I have written comedy and a drama and a Christmas script. I have ideas for several more Christmas scripts and hope to get them going next year.

K. M. Joshi

Hi, Jim! Sounds like you've broken in really well already!

Quick question: how do you write the musical script without the composition first? Are you writing the lyrics as well or just the dialogues/scenes? Asking because I'm a musician; it's always good to know the different ways people work.

And good luck with your coming up projects!

Jim Newton

I write the book and the lyrics. Just need composers to add the music portion.

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