Introduce Yourself : Introduction by Onwukwe Abraham Ogonna

Onwukwe Abraham Ogonna


Hello, I'm Abraham and I'm a Scriptwriter of both fantasy and cartoon. Thank you.

Jason Mirch

Great to have you here Onwukwe Abraham Ogonna! Those are both a lot of fun to write I am sure. Are you working on anything at the moment?

Onwukwe Abraham Ogonna

Yes, I'm starting another script. I'm done with EMILY (Epic 1&2) and Carrot Survivor.

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Hi Onwukwe. You have a lot of material! I know the time zone difference would make it difficult, but if you don't mind being awake at 2 am, consider joining the Writer's Room. for not much money per month we get amazing opportunities. It's a real writer's community and we support each other with a lot of different activities like script swaps and practice pitch sessions.

Onwukwe Abraham Ogonna

Sarah Gabrielle Baron I'll love that but is not only waking up by 2am is the issue. The exchange rate down here is too extra high right now. I've to plan myself carefully on what is important first to pay for that but other things will have to wait until the whole thing is over. Thank you.

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