Introduce Yourself : Midwest Filmmaker Here! by Isaiah Kazarovich

Isaiah Kazarovich

Midwest Filmmaker Here!

It's incredible to join such a large community of creatives. I wish I had known about Stage 32 sooner! I'm a writer/director based out of Madison, WI. I'm excited to continue to collaborate with people from around the state and create films.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Isaiah. Great to connect. What projects are you working on?

Isaiah Kazarovich

Hi, Maurice, thanks for reaching out! Currently, I'm in post production on a few music videos I shot about a week ago. I'm also in early development of a feature I hope to film here in Wisconsin. What about you?

Maurice Vaughan

What genre is the feature script? I'm pitching short scripts and a feature script.

Isaiah Kazarovich

Currently, the genre is a drama with an ambiguous fantasy element. It's a really fun idea, and I think the Midwest will be the perfect backdrop for it. As for your projects, I hope your pitching goes well!

Kelly Namey

Hi Isaiah, good luck with your feature!

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Isaiah.

From your comment about your feature script, I pictured "Big Fish."

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