Introduce Yourself : Hello and thank you :-) by Pete Tomkies

Pete Tomkies

Hello and thank you :-)

Hi everyone, I'm a freelance cinematographer, camera operator and editor from Manchester, UK. I hope to find new people to collaborate with to create great projects! Thank you to Stage 32 for establishing and maintaining this community.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Warren! My name is Kay Ross, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage32. Welcome! Glad to have you!

Martin Reese

Welcome, Peter. Love to see a reel.

Mandi Allen

HI Pete, Always looking for collabs. What are your interests?

Andrew Griffin

Hi Pete, good to meet you. You have any projects in the works?

Pete Tomkies

Thank to everyone who has got in touch, it's great to make new connections. To everyone who has aksed about my reel - I am making use of the hiatus that lockdown in the UK has brought to work on revamping my website and reel so watch this space :-)

Pete Tomkies

To Andrew Griffin and Mandi Allen, as a camera operator/DoP, I work on all sorts of projects with a lot of live music shoots and events/promo work for charity and corporate cleints. Recently I DoPed a web series for a famous musician and am currently working on a documentary for a client in Manchester. For my own films, I love horror but am keen to work in any genre when I find a script that inspires me. I am working on a couple of scripts for feature films and also a TV/web series. I am always looking to find new peopel to collaborate with :-)

Carolyn Maitland

Welcome Pete :) Looking forward to seeing your revamped website and reel!

Jaye Adams

Hey Pete! Welcome! I've added you to my network, I'm a UK horror filmmaker in Lincolnshire so would be cool to connect!

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