Hi all,
I am an aspiring writer/screenwriter attempting to pull off a Second Act, late-in-life change of career. As such, I suffer from Stage IV Imposter Syndrome. I don't think I really belong here. I know nothing of Hollywood and how it works. I haven't sold a script or a manuscript or even won a short story contest. I am middle aged and worked my way up to the middle in an unrelated career. Nope, I'm SURE I don't belong here.
The thing is, I want to. For years I have low-key been preparing for this. I don't have youth but I've got ideas and plans and courage, and - I'm told - talent. I want to see if that dog hunts before the end. I HAVE to see. I HAVE to at least try. Improbable and impossible are two different words.
There's a line from the movie Legally Blonde that blew me away when I first saw it: Elle, the protagonist, decides to quit Harvard Law because she felt out of place. She says something akin to "I need to stop trying to be something I'm not." Her male love interest responds, "What if you're trying to be something that you are." So there it is. And here I am. Pleased to meet you.
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Welcome Kelli. I can sympathize.
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Hi Kelli. I don't believe that anyone trying anything for the right reasons could ever be an imposter. So put that thought out of your head now. I am in the middle of a career transition and, while it is intimidating, I feel that I must continue on this path. Life's too short to do anything less.
Tell me what inspires you to write. Do you have a specific project that you want to work on now?
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Hi Kelli!
I say better late than never! I understand the feeling of imposter syndrome but comfort myself in the idea that EVERYONE feels that way at some point. I guess we can use places like this to increase our confidence and be part of a like-minded community, hopefully the feeling fades. :-)
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Funny Kelli... haha! The Stage32 Screenwriter Imposter Syndrome support group meets in the Lounge every Monday at 9:00 pm. Bring donuts ... I'll see-ya there :)
Hi Sara! Yes, I am doing research for a historical fiction novel right now. I have about 3 or 4 movie ideas that I'm fleshing out as well. I've got Final Draft and some books on the shelf to learn how to write those screenplays. And after the book and the movies are written, what am I going to do with them? No clue. That's why I'm here.
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Robert, I'll be there with bells on. And some tissue.
Welcome to Stage32 Kelli :)