Screenwriting : Hello Everyone by Nazem Kamil Elmasri

Nazem Kamil Elmasri

Hello Everyone

I just joined today, I would like some help to understand how to benefit the most from this web site...Thank you.

Craig D Griffiths

Ask questions and keep an open mind. Read all answers and find a solution that suits your needs.

Like all communities there are good and bad. Treat the people that you find offensive like a bad memory. Put them out of your mind and they fade away.

Monica Mansy

Hi, Nazem Kamil Elmasri! Welcome to Stage 32! This is an amazing platform where you can connect to other creatives and learn a ton! I would poke around the lounges and interact with others. I would also check out the options under “Script Services” since I see you’re a screenwriter. I’ve submitted my script for Industry Reader coverage and the notes I received back were invaluable. The “Education” tab is super helpful for learning just about anything you can dream up. I’m part of the Writers’ Room and it’s been a great way to learn and grow (email the Director of Script Services, Jason Mirch: for a free month of the Writers’ Room). Happy writing!

James Boyd

Education & network building.

Doug Nelson

I've been a member since 2013 and I still ask that same question.

Martha Caprarotta

Welcome, Nazem Kamil Elmasri ! A great way to connect with other screenwriters is to join the Writer's Room and participate in its programs. You can get a free month's membership on Stage 32 by emailing Jason Mirch, Director of Script Services for Stage 32, at Then you can attend the following:

-----Jason's free Wednesday screenwriting webinars (and you can go into the "vault" of his past free webinars)

-----Have your script read and critiqued by other members in the bi-monthly Coverage Reports (every other Monday evening),

-----Pitch Practices every Thursday.

-----Table reads of members' scripts by actors, put together once a month by Nick Assunto - Stage 32 Script Services Coordinator .

------Members of the Writer's Room also get some discounts on script services.

Jason Mirch

Thanks for the shoutout Martha Caprarotta and Monica Mansy! Hey Nazem Kamil Elmasri - it is so great to have you here as part of the community. As Martha and Monica say, please feel free to reach out to me directly. I am happy to help in whatever way I can. I will also hook you up with a month of the Writers' Room. Email me at Looking forward to hearing from you!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Nazem Kamil Elmasri! My name is Kay, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage32. Welcome! To add to this thread of very fine suggestions, I have one blog about how to engage with the community ( and another on how to navigate the lounges ( I hope they are helpful to you!

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