Introduce Yourself : Hello S32 Community! by Brad Jones

Brad Jones

Hello S32 Community!

I am a documentary filmmaker working on a film about the metabolic theory of cancer. (Some serious scientific explanation happening in narration.) Former supervising editor of the Jersey Shore reality show. I'm really enjoying building a feature doc from an editor's perspective, and am looking for thoughts and experiences from a writer's viewpoint.

Looking forward to connecting!

@metaboliccancerdoc #cancerevolution

Rosie Ferdin Cruz

Great picture and set up of you! What a doc to make! I love to follow... so much to learn!

Harrison Glaser

Welcome, Brad! That sounds like a challenging but rewarding project you're working on. And I LOVE that you brought up documentary writing since that's something people don't talk about enough but it really does make or break a doc and deserves more credit. Be sure to stay involved with the community and don't forget to add a bio and photo to your profile--it'll get more people to want to connect. Also be sure to check out this recent webinar on documentary storytelling we put on, one of my favorites:

Meghan Hemingway

Definitely a documentary I'd be interested to see. A topic that touches us all. Hi Brad!

Bruce Radek

Wow - film making and understanding the nuances of medicine and science. Best wishes, Bruce

Tasha Lewis

Important subject to cover in today’s times when so many are having health issues.

Martha Caprarotta

Welcome, Brad Jones ! What an important topic you're developing! Years ago, I wrote, edited, and voiced a number of 15- to 30-minute documentaries for my local TV stations, including a longer one for PBS. My advice is to keep the science jargon to a minimum and keep the purpose of the research relatable if you're seeking a wide audience. And one tip about connecting to people on Stage 32 is to put your photo and a brief bio on your profile. It's easier to connect to human face. Best of luck with your documentary!

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