Hi All -
I'm a screenwriter from Cleveland, Ohio where I still live. I've been a member of Stage 32 since 2014, but I didn't really get active on the site until 2018.
I write sci-fi, fantasy and horror. I specialize in writing stories that feature POC as protagonists. My horror screenplay "The Eye of Owuo" won Stage 32's Micro-Budget Horror Script Competition which is a great example of what you can achieve by fully engaging with Stage 32 and it's script services and networking opportunities
I published a YA storybook called 'Mulogo and His Quintuple of Trouble'. It's on Amazon. It's gonna be a future animation screenplay.
I'm an active member of The Writer's Room which I encourage everyone to check out. I'm always glad to help and interact with fellow screenwriters. Currently working on a fantasy/horror TV series. I'm a huge animation fan. I'm a big idea guy.
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Everyone, you need to know Martin. He is one hell of a talented writer. So much so that RB, myself, Jason and several executives that work with Stage 32 and I are producing his script DEATH'S EYE. He is the model of perseverance as a writer. He keeps getting better with each draft. He is selfless, puts in the work and is always learning.
I love Cleveland! I went to The Ohio State University. Nice to meet you!
Hello, Martin. I joined this platform in 2019 and am just now getting around to checking it out. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has done this.
I wish you all the best on your journey and if you feel so inclined, I'd love to connect with you on here.
Nice to make your acquaintance. I'm working on a legal crime drama and need some video footage for a teaser. Maybe we can chat soon. Best, Bruce
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Thanks for the compliment Amanda Toney . It is so great working with you and the rest of the team.
O-H-I-O Dan Jablons
Sci-Fi, Horror and Fantasy worlds is where I live Sean O'Connor . Need that escape.
Nice to meet you Bruce Radek. If I can help I will.