Introduce Yourself : Introduction by Martin Reese

Martin Reese


Hi All -

I'm a screenwriter from Cleveland, Ohio where I still live. I've been a member of Stage 32 since 2014, but I didn't really get active on the site until 2018.

I write sci-fi, fantasy and horror. I specialize in writing stories that feature POC as protagonists. My horror screenplay "The Eye of Owuo" won Stage 32's Micro-Budget Horror Script Competition which is a great example of what you can achieve by fully engaging with Stage 32 and it's script services and networking opportunities

I published a YA storybook called 'Mulogo and His Quintuple of Trouble'. It's on Amazon. It's gonna be a future animation screenplay.

I'm an active member of The Writer's Room which I encourage everyone to check out. I'm always glad to help and interact with fellow screenwriters. Currently working on a fantasy/horror TV series. I'm a huge animation fan. I'm a big idea guy.


Amanda Toney

Everyone, you need to know Martin. He is one hell of a talented writer. So much so that RB, myself, Jason and several executives that work with Stage 32 and I are producing his script DEATH'S EYE. He is the model of perseverance as a writer. He keeps getting better with each draft. He is selfless, puts in the work and is always learning.

Dan Jablons

I love Cleveland! I went to The Ohio State University. Nice to meet you!

Vanessa Beran

Hello, Martin. I joined this platform in 2019 and am just now getting around to checking it out. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has done this.

I wish you all the best on your journey and if you feel so inclined, I'd love to connect with you on here.

Bruce Radek

Nice to make your acquaintance. I'm working on a legal crime drama and need some video footage for a teaser. Maybe we can chat soon. Best, Bruce

Martin Reese

Thanks for the compliment Amanda Toney . It is so great working with you and the rest of the team.

Martin Reese

O-H-I-O Dan Jablons

Martin Reese

Sci-Fi, Horror and Fantasy worlds is where I live Sean O'Connor . Need that escape.

Martin Reese

Nice to meet you Bruce Radek. If I can help I will.

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