Introduce Yourself : International Women's Day by Amanda Toney

Amanda Toney

International Women's Day

What did you learn?

Karen "Kay" Ross


Victoria Blackburn

Hi everybody! What a fun day! I'm an actress/writer/comedian. Insta; @vickivegasthecomedian Received so many great resources!

Penny LeLeux

That was so much fun getting into the breakout rooms. Yes it should be done more often. I really enjoyed learning about everyone's projects.

Jennifer Le Roux

Hey everyone! Great to meet you all, and hope to meet those I didn't soon. I learned that Disney are more open to neurodivergent screenwriters than I expected, and Stage32 is international. Otherwise, I learned about all the wonderful women I met, and how they are all standing in their power! My social is @jenniferthered Twitter @jentheredbrighton Insta - I'm currently in post-production on my short film / webseries pilot CTRL. SHIFT. ESC @controlshiftesc Twitter/TikTok + @control.shift.esc Insta. One of my posters for added glitter!

Aimee McGuire

I loved the panel, and this virtual happy hour! It's incredible to be in the presence of strong, like-minded women in the industry. We're all so eager to help each other, and it's so refreshing and empowering!

@AimeeMcGuire on Instagram


Brooke Greene

Hey everyone, it was really nice to meet all of you. if you would like to connect my Twitter is brookelyn24 and my IG is brookenicoleproductions.

Nir Perlman

Hello everyone! it was absolutely inspiring to hear all the hard work and determination from the group networking and our fabulous panelists.

I'm a film composer and I would be honored to be part of your next project

Here are a few of my works:

Here's a link for some cues from a full feature I've just finished working on:

My Instagram is: @perlsound

Let's connect!

Becky Balsano

To never give up - You're story was very inspirational. Even though I think creatives know that inside somewhere... :) it's great to be reminded that to keep on keepin' on and doing the work is the only way to get there and to actually hear the result of your work, was great. Was also wonderful to be a part of a conversation among women and relate to how similar our challenges are and how those challenges are handled. I made it in a little late to the webinar because I was working - but so glad I finally got there. Thank you.

DeAnna Charett

I learned about some new networking sites and things offered by Stage32!! I am an actress, location scout and producer in the Baton Rouge, La area. My websites are and My email is I look forward to working with many of you!!

Kimberly Anglemyer

Hi Everyone! I'm so grateful to have been a part of such an amazing event and to get to meet some really wonderful people! I look forward to more events like this one!

My Instagram is: Kimber29

Taylor C. Baker

Absolutely INCREDIBLE meeting so many amazing women from all over the world today! If anyone is interested in writing a blog for the Stage 32 community you can email me directly at

You can also keep up with my comedy/baking (mis)adventures on Instagram @taylorcbaker and youtube

Karen "Kay" Ross

This was so enjoyable, and sorely needed! Who else is down for making that Happy Hour mixer a regular thing?!

What did I learn? That I'm not alone in my inability to stand up for myself or celebrate myself; that when in a room full of women, I'm not the only one taking the time to acknowledge those who have been left out because there are so many others looking out for the good of the group as well; that communities are built to help build up its individuals, so each of us (including me) should take advantage of what the community is offering; and that I give advice that someone who works at Disney agrees with - what a confidence boost that was!

I also learned what an absolute badass Amanda is! So good to hear from your production/professional experience since I know you are usually moderating!

Bridgit Li

Amanda Toney That girls rule the world! ;-D

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